Accueil » Colloques » Vendredi 6 juillet 2018 Journée d’études internationale British Women and Parody Université de Picardie, Logis du Roy, Amiens

Vendredi 6 juillet 2018 Journée d’études internationale British Women and Parody Université de Picardie, Logis du Roy, Amiens

British Women and Parody

International Conference organised by CORPUS (University of Picardy)

Amiens, 6th July 2018

Keynote speaker: Professor Margaret Stetz

(University of Delaware)


This one-day conference will investigate the relationships between women and parody in the British Isles. It is organized by the research team CORPUS (EA 4295) at the University of Picardy and will be held at the Logis du Roy (Amiens) on Friday 6th July 2018.

Parody, a simultaneous act of revival and revision, is double-coded. Imitating the original work implies familiarity with the original work and includes reactivation and renewal. The parodic ethos is partly “respectful or deferential” (Linda Hutcheon) and imitation has a large part to play in literary apprenticeship, yet repetition with an element of transformation can also have comical, satirical and distancing effects. The historical distance between the parodist and the imitated text takes on a reflexive and critical form when the work is revisited with a view to question or comment. In “claiming and appropriating” other texts (Julia Kristeva), the parodist situates himself or herself in relation to the original author. The purpose of this conference is to investigate the part played by gender in this positioning.

Women scholars are well-represented among theorists and analysts of parody, but the engagement of women authors with parody has been neglected. However, the British literary tradition includes many highly respected – and parodiable – female authors while, for many women, writing has meant “revision (…) an act of survival” (Adrienne Rich). Women’s writing has indeed often been judged secondary in intention, scope and even literary value. So, how can women’s engagement with parody be read? Does the under-representation of women writers in anthologies of parody, both as parodied authors and as parodists, reflect the masculine domination and appreciation of the Western literary canon? Do cases of conscious cross-gender parody work to denounce clichés of femininity and masculinity, thus destabilizing gender (Judith Butler)? What is at stake in women’s parodies of each other? An anxiety of influence? Rivalry? Differing perceptions of what femininity is? Can the question of female parodies be historicized?


Please send proposals (300 words) for 20-minute papers to by December 17th.

Scientific Board

Camille Fort, Université d’Amiens

Anne-Marie Miller-Blaise, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle

Nathalie Saudo, Université d’Amiens

Nicole Terrien, Université de Rennes 2

Aurélie Thiria, Université d’Amiens

We will consider papers on parodies that are both literary and visual: fiction, poetry, drama, graphic novels as well as other media and the history of publishing.

Possible topics include but are not limited to:

Women parodying men

Women parodying women

Parodies of femininity and écriture féminine

Female literary models and their imitators

Gendered revisions of canonical texts

Women in anthologies of parody

Women during the Victorian “golden age of parody”

The politics of parodic humour


Uncertain authorship and literary hoaxes




Aron, Paul. Histoire du pastiche. Paris : PUF, 2008.

Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble. 1990. Londres : Routledge, 2006

Genette, Gérard. Palimpsestes : la littérature au second degré. Paris : Seuil, 1982.

Gilbert, Sandra and Susan Gubar, The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Imagination. New-Haven/Londres: Yale UP, 1979, 2000.

Gross, John, éd., The Oxford book of Parodies. Oxford: OUP, 2010.

Hannoosh, Michele. Parody and Decadence: Laforgue’s “Moralités Légendaires”. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1989.

Hutcheon, Linda, A Theory of Parody: The Teachings of Twentieth-Century Art Forms, New-York/Londres, Routledge, 1985.

Kristeva, Julia, “Word, Dialogue and Novel” (1970), A Kristeva Reader. Columbia UP, 1986.

Müller, Beate, ed. Parody: Dimensions and Perspectives. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1997.

Rich, Adrienne, “When We Dead Awaken: Writing as Revision”, College English 34:1, Women, Writing, and Teaching (Oct. 1972)

Rose, Margaret A. Parody: Ancient, Modern, and Post-Modern. Cambridge: CUP, 1993.

—, Pictorial Irony, Parody, and Pastiche: Comic Interpictoriality in the Arts of the 19th and 20th Centuries, Bielefeld, Aisthesis Verlag, 2011.

Sangsue, Daniel. La Relation parodique. Paris : Corti, 2007.

Stetz, Margaret. British Women’s Comic Fiction 1890-1990. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001.

Thomson, Clive et Alain Pagés, eds. Dire la parodie : Colloque de Cerisy, American University Studies II : 91. New-York : Lang, 1989.




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