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Retrouvez ici la liste des chercheurs et chercheuses venu·e·s de l’étranger qui effectuent un séjour de recherche dans les unités de recherche des membres de la SAES

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Doris Witt

Associate Professor à l’Université de Iowa, invitée pour le 2e semestre 2023–2024 (février-mai) par le laboratoire Etudes Montpelliéraines du Monde Anglophone (EMMA) de l’université Paul-Valéry – Montpellier 3. Référents : Laurence Petit et Raphaël Ricaud.

Doris Witt grew up in Glasgow, Kentucky, and holds a BA in English from Centre College, an MA and PhD in English from the University of Virginia, and a JD from the University of Iowa.  She specializes in post-WWII multiethnic American and transnational / postcolonial literature and culture.

The author of Black Hunger: Soul Food and America, Professor Witt is currently working on scholarly books about American food writing in the neoliberal era and about Vietnamese American literature.

Lowell Duckert

Assistant Professor, University of Delaware, spécialiste d’écocritique et de littérature anglaise des 16e et 17e siècles, chercheur invité ENS de Lyon et Université Clermont-Ferrand, IHRIM UMR 5317, Labex COMOD, du 15 janvier au 25 mars 2024. Référentes : Sophie Lemercier-Goddard et Sophie Chiari.

Lowell Duckert (University of Delaware) specializes in early modern literature and the blue humanities. He has published on various topics such as glaciers, polar bears, the color maroon, rain, fleece, mining, and lagoons. With Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, he is the editor of Elemental Ecocriticism: Thinking with Earth, Air, Water, and Fire; and Veer Ecology: A Companion for Environmental Thinking (2015). His book For All Waters: Finding Ourselves in Early Modern Wetscapes(University of Minnesota Press, 2017) examines how playwrights and travel writers who physically interacted with rivers, glaciers, monsoons, and swamps, composed “hydrographies” or bodily and textual assemblages of human and nonhuman things that dissolved notions of human autonomy and its singular narrativity. Lowell Duckert is currently completing his book under contract with the University of Minnesota Press called Cold Doings: Early Modern Actions for Our Warmer World – an experimental project in which he shows his interest for cold art through a series of “winterludes”. Programme des interventions de Lowell Duckert:

  • séminaire Modernités Britanniques, mardi 23 janvier, 17h, ENS de Lyon : ‘This World Uncertain Is’: The Environmental Humanities from an Early Modern Ecological Perspective 
  • Conférence mercredi 14 février, 17h30-19h, ENS de Lyon : Hamlet on Ice
  • Workshop mercredi 21 février, 17h30-19h30, ENS de Lyon : Cold Doings: Early Modern Actions for Our Warmer World : Cold, past and present.·      Podcast lundi 11 mars, 14h – Podcast à la bibliothèque de la MSH de Clermont-Ferrand: Lowell Duckert, « Shakespearean performances. All the world’s a (wet) stage ». (Plus d’informations: (disponible à partir du jeudi 21 mars sur le site de la MSH de Clermont-Ferrand)·      Conférence mercredi 20 mars 17h – amphi 219 de la MSH de Clermont-Ferrand, « Cold Doings: Early Modern Actions for our Warmer World ». (Plus d’informations:

Heather Hirschfeld

Professeure à l’Université du Tennessee à Knoxville, Chercheuse invitée du 4 au 31 mars 2024 par le Laboratoire CAS (EA 801) et le DEMA de l’Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès. Référente : Nathalie Rivère de Carles.

Heather Hirschfeld specializes in early modern English literature, focusing on Shakespeare, Renaissance drama and religious controversy, and the history of authorship, collaboration, and textual communities. Her work on “the end of satisfaction” was awarded an NEH Fellowship for 2009-2010, and she received College awards for her scholarship in 2004 and 2018.

At the undergraduate level, she loves teaching introductory and advanced courses in Shakespeare and Renaissance drama (ENGL 206, 404, 405, and 406). Her recent graduate teaching includes seminars on Revenge Tragedy, Accounting for Renaissance Drama, and Shakespeare’s Playbooks. She received College and Chancellor’s awards for her teaching in 2007 and 2016, respectively.

Professor Hirschfeld served as the Riggsby Director of UT’s Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies from 2011-2015 and as Director of Undergraduate Studies from 2019022. She now holds the Kenneth Curry Professorship in the English Department. She is co-editor, with Laurie Maguire (Oxford University) and Rory Loughnane (University of Kent) of the Routledge Series on Early Modern Authorship. Her abiding theoretical interest is in psychoanalytic theory, and she has served on the Board of Appalachian Psychoanalytic Society.

Peter Mancall

Professor of History, Anthropology, and Economics at USC Dornsife, invité par Sorbonne Université en mars 2024. Référente : Nathalie Caron.

Peter C. Mancall is the Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities; Professor of History and Anthropology; the Linda and Harlan Martens Director of the USC-Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute; and Divisional for the Humanities at USC Dornsife. He is an elected fellow of the Society of American Historians and the Royal Historical Society and an elected member of the American Antiquarian Society and the Colonial Society of Massachusetts.

Selected bibliography:

  • The Trials of Thomas Morton: An Anglican Lawyer, his Puritan Foes, and the Battle for a New England. Yale: Yale University Press, 2019.
  • Nature and Culture in the Early Modern Atlantic. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018.
  • American Origins (vol. one of the Oxford History of the United States). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Fatal Journey: The Final Expedition of Henry Hudson: A Tale of Mutiny and Murder in the Arctic. New York: Basic Books, 2009.
  • Hakluyt’s Promise: An Elizabethan’s Obsession for an English America. New Haven, COnn.: Yale University Press, 2007.
  • The Atlantic World and Virginia. University of North Carolina Press, 2007.
  • Deadly Medicine: Indians and Alcohol in Early America. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1995.

Massimo Riva

Professeur à Brown University, invité de l’équipe « Image et Critique » du laboratoire TIL Centre Interlangues (UR 4182) de l’Université de Bourgogne du 26 au 31 mars 2024. Référente : Bénédicte Coste.

Massimo Riva ​was educated in Italy (Laurea in Filosofia, University of Florence, 1979) and the United States (Ph.D. in Italian literature, Rutgers University, 1986). He is the author of four books, published in Italy, on literary maladies and national identity, post-humanism and the hyper-novel, and literature in the digital age. He is the editor of an anthology of contemporary fiction, Italian Tales (published by Yale University Press in 2004) and the co-editor of the Cambridge edition of Pico della Mirandola’s Oration On Human Dignity (2012). He was the recipient of three major grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and a Digital Innovation Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Society, in support of various digital projects, now part of the Virtual Humanities Lab. Among his collaborative initiatives, a series of interactive installations of the Garibaldi moving panorama were featured in library and museums in Brazil, Italy and the U.K in 2011-12. His latest work, a digital monograph entitled Shadow Plays: Virtual Realities in an Analog World, a project of Brown University Digital Publications funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, was published in June 2022 by Stanford University Press and is the winner of a 2023 PROSE Award of the Association of Academic Publishers in the category of eProducts.  Prof. Riva’s teaching ranges from Boccaccio’s Decameron to modern and contemporary literature, film, media and the digital humanities. In recognition of his research-based teaching, he was nominated Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence. His awards and honors also include the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (with the rank of Ufficiale) for his contribution to the dissemination of Italian culture in North America. 

M. Riva proposera notamment une séance de séminaire le 29 mars de 10h à 12h dont les détails se trouvent au lien suivant : Cette séance s’inscrit dans les travaux de l’équipe « Image et Critique » dont le nouveau séminaire « Intermédialités Sensibles : Restitution(s) du Vivant » a débuté à l’automne 2023. 

Ana María Manzanas Calvo

Professeure à l’Université de Salamanque, Chercheuse invitée du 22 avril au 4 mai 2024 par le Laboratoire CAS (EA 801) et le DEMA de l’Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès. Référente : Nathalie Cochoy.

Ana María Manzanas Calvo is full professor in the English Department of Universidad de Salamanca. She has participated in many national research projects, and has directed several regional ones as well as a European project (the most recent one). She has published articles in volumes edited by reputed international publishing houses such as Cambridge, Blackwell or Routledge and in important journals such as Canadian Literature or the Journal of Modern Literature. She received the 2015 Javier Coy national award of the Spanish Association for American Studies (SAAS) for the best research article. She has published five monographs (four of them co-authored by Jesús Benito Sánchez and one of them by Begoña Simal and Jesús Benito Sánchez): Hospitality in American Literature and Culture: Spaces, Bodies, Borders (Routledge 2016)–which received the 2018 Javier Coy national prize of the Spanish Association for American Studies (SAAS) for the best monograph–; Occupying Space in American Literature and Culture: Static Heroes, Social Movements and Empowerment (New York: Routledge, 2014)-which received the 2014 Enrique García Díez national award of AEDEAN; Cities, Borders, and Spaces in Intercultural American Literature and Film (New York: Routledge, 2011, 2014), Uncertain Mirrors: Magical Realisms in Ethnic American Literatures (New York: Rodopi, 2009) and Intercultural Mediations: Mimesis and Hybridity in American Literature (Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2003). She has also co-edited numerous volumes, and is general editor of the series « Critical Approaches to Ethnic American Literature » (CAEAL) of the international publishing house Brill (Amsterdam & New York). She is or has been part of the scientific boards of journals and collections such as Ostrava Journal of English Philology, JAAAS: The Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies, Etkileşim, the Academic Journal of Üsküdar University, Atlantis, Miscelánea, Complutense Journal of English Studies, Palgrave’s Literatures of the Americas, and Biblioteca Javier Coy de Estudios Norteamericanos. She has been reviewer for ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature and MELUS (journal of the Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States).

She is the Director of the PhD programme in “Advanced English Studies” of the University of Salamanca. She is an evaluator for ANEP (National Research Agency). And has served on evaluating committees for AGAE (Agencia Andaluza de Evaluación) and CINECA (Italian Evaluation Agency). Over the past ten years she has supervised 8 doctoral theses as well as tens of master’s and bachelor’s theses. She was Vice-dean of International Relations of the Faculty of Philology of the Universidad de Salamanca for the period 2012- 2018.

Through European ERASMUS+ research project Hospitality in European Film 2017-1-ES01- KA203-038181 Manzanas Calvo led a group of 7 different universities (3 Spanish, 4 international) that analysed a corpus of films portraying the migrant experience through the lens of hospitality theory. This database is fully available online. The team put a lot of emphasis on knowledge transfer and organised colloquiums and seminars in cinemas, public cultural centres, high schools, and other venues. The objective was to engage with society and create public fora to critically rethink migration and hospitality. The results were published in Spanish in the volume Cine y hospitalidad: narrativas visuales del otro (Ediciones de la Universidad de Salamanca, 2021). Other results were a MOOC on film analysis and the documentary “The Sounds of Hospitality: Migrant Musicians in Europe,” directed by Michel Gasco and Parisa Delshad.

Louise Seamster

Assistant Professor à l’Université de Iowa, chercheur invité du 11 au 19 mai 2024  à l’Université Paul-Valéry – Montpellier 3. Référent : Hervé Mayer.

Louise Seamster is a sociologist whose research examines contemporary mechanisms for the reproduction of racial and economic inequality. She is an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology and Criminology and the program of African American Studies at the University of Iowa. She is also a Research Fellow in the Social and Education Policy Research Program at the University of Iowa’s Public Policy Center, and a Nonresident Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution.

Dr. Seamster’s research centers on politics and urban development, emergency financial management, debt, and the myth of racial progress. Her first book, The Flint Water Coup: Debt at the End of Democracy (under contract with Columbia University Press), investigates the financial and political causes of the Flint Water Crisis. In parallel, her Flint Email Lab of graduate and undergraduate students is creating a website archive of public government email communications relating to the crisis. Another line of research examines racial disparities in debt. Her work on « predatory inclusion » in student debt has led to extensive policy work, including research informing Senator Elizabeth Warren’s student debt forgiveness plan. Her many media appearances include the New York Times’ Ezra Klein Show, WNYC’s The Takeaway, Bloomberg News, and other national outlets.

Victor Ray

Assistant Professor à l’Université de Iowa, chercheur invité du 11 au 19 mai 2024  à l’Université Paul-Valéry – Montpellier 3. Référent : Hervé Mayer.

His research applies critical race theory to classic sociological questions. His work has been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, American Sociological Review, American Behavioral Scientist, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Contexts, Ethnic and Racial Studies, The Journal of Marriage and Family, Sociology of Race and Ethnicity and Sociological Theory. His work has won multiple awards, including the early career award from the American Sociological Association’s Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Southern Sociological Society’s Junior Scholar Award. Victor is also an active public scholar, publishing commentary in outlets such as The New York Times, Time, CNN, The Washington Post, Harvard Business Review, and Boston Review. Victor’s work has been funded by the Ford Foundation and the National Science Foundation. His first book On Critical Race Theory: Why it Matters & Why You Should Care was recently published by Random House. 

Justine Pizzo

Professeure à l’Université Southampton, Chercheuse invitée du 17 au 31 mai 2024 par le Laboratoire CAS (EA 801) et le DEMA de l’Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès. Référente : Catherine Delyfer.

Dr Justine Pizzo is Lecturer in British Literature, 1837 to 1939. She specialises in the Victorian period with a particular emphasis on the novel, female characterisation, and intersections of literature and climate. In addition to working on a monograph provisionally titled The Character of Climate: Women and Atmosphere in Victorian Fiction, she has published and edited research on the work of Charlotte Brontë and other nineteenth- and early twentieth-century novelists (including Charles Dickens, Dorothy Richardson, and Virginia Woolf). Her teaching and research interests also focus on the work of influential and sometimes lesser-known women writers.

She is a member of the Centre for Modern and Contemporary Writing (CMCW) and of the Southampton Centre for Nineteenth-Century Research.

Emily Ridge

Lecturer à l’Université de Galway et chercheuse invitée du 1er septembre 2024 au 30 juin 2025 au laboratoire IHRIM (UMR 5317) et au Département des langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères de l’École Normale Supérieure de Lyon. Référente : Vanessa Guignery.

Emily Ridge is a Lecturer in the School of English, Media and Creative Arts at the University of Galway, having previously taught at City University of Hong Kong and the Education University of Hong Kong. She teaches in the areas of modernism, twentieth-century literature and modern women’s writing. Her first monograph, Portable Modernisms: The Art of Travelling Light (published by Edinburgh University Press in 2017), examined the heady effects of a new ‘travel light’ ethos on authorial practice and vision during the modernist period, but it equally tracked the changing resonances of this idea against a backdrop of political displacement and war from the 1930s onwards, when portability became less a choice than a necessity. She completed a further project, funded by a Hong Kong Research Grants Council award, on the complicated politics of literary hospitality in and around the Second World War, resulting in a volume of essays (co-edited with Jeffrey Clapp) on the subject of the intersecting concerns of security and hospitality in modern and contemporary literature and culture (Routledge 2015), as well as articles and book chapters on the work of Stefan Zweig, archival methodologies and on the interwar administration of hospitality at the English P.E.N. During her time at the ENS de Lyon, she is working on completing her second monograph on the topic of mid-century British women writers and emotion regulation. Related to this project, she co-edited a special issue (with Alexandra Peat) on ‘Discourses of Emotional Labour’ in Women: A Cultural Review in 2023.

Ian Haywood

Du 14 au 25 octobre 2024, référente : Rachel Rogers (CAS, UT2J)

I have spent most of my career at the University of Roehampton. I became Professor of English in 2007 and since then I have been Director of the Centre for Research in Romanticism, and leader of the ‘Romantic Illustration Network’ The network has recently produced a volume of essays, Romanticism and Illustration (Cambridge University Press, 2019) which I co-edited with Susan Matthews and Mary L. Shannon. I was President of BARS (British Association for Romantic Studies) from 2015 to 2019.

Though I have worked on many areas of British literature, most of my research now focuses on the radical politics and visual culture of the period 1750-1850, especially political caricature. I established a new paradigm for caricature studies in Romanticism and Caricature (Cambridge University Press, 2013) and my recent books Queen Caroline and the Power of Caricature in Georgian England (Palgrave 2023) and The Rise of Victorian Caricature (Palgrave 2020) fill a gap in our knowledge of the evolution of graphic satire.

In addition to my monographs Bloody Romanticism (Palgrave 2006) and The Revolution in Popular Literature (2004), I also co-edited Spain in British Romanticism (Palgrave, 2018) and The Gordon Riots (2012).

My research has been supported by awards from the AHRC, Leverhulme, British Academy, Research Society for Victorian Periodicals (RSVP) and many libraries and collections including the Lewis Walpole, Beinecke, Huntington, Harry Ransom, and Wilhelm Busch Museum of Caricature. 

I have given keynote talks and invited lectures in many countries including Taiwan, Japan, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Holland, and Sweden. 

I welcome applications for research supervision in any of my areas of expertise.

Jens Temmen

Du 14 au 25 octobre 2024, référente : Claire Cazajous-Augé (CAS, UT2J)

Jens Temmen is an assistant professor for American Studies at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf (Germany) and Fellow of the Young Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz (Germany). He received his PhD in American Studies as part of his PhD fellowship with the Research Training Group minor cosmopolitanisms at the University of Potsdam. His first monograph is titled The Territorialities of US Imperialism(s) (Universitätsverlag Winter) and was published in 2020. He has done research and has published in the areas of postcolonial studies, transpacific studies, the study of US imperialism, territoriality, posthuman studies and astroculture. Jens Temmen is also co-editor of the book series titled Critical Futures and published with transcript. Since 2021, he is co-conductor of an interdisciplinary teaching and research project titled “Critical Outer Space Studies“ (funded by UNIVERSEH). In his second book project, Jens employs an ecocritical and posthuman studies lens to analyze representations of Mars colonization in contemporary US literature and culture.

Kirsten Shepherd-Barr

Du 9 au 22 février 2025, référente : Emeline Jouve (CAS, UT2J)

Professor of English and Theatre Studies; Tutorial Fellow, St Catherine’s College, Oxford University

My main research interests lie within drama and theatre studies:  the interaction between theatre and science; the writings of Henrik Ibsen; and the relationship between modernism and theatrical performance.  Amongst my recent publications are The Cambridge Companion to Theatre and Science (2020), Modern Drama: A Very Short Introduction (OUP, 2016), Twentieth-Century Approaches to Literature:  Late Victorian into Modern (OUP, 2016, co-edited with Laura Marcus and Michele Mendelssohn), and several book chapters and articles in all three of these research fields.

With regard to theatre and science, my book Theatre and Evolution from Ibsen to Beckett (Columbia University Press, 2015), which was supported by a Leverhulme Research Fellowship in 2011-12, traces how the central ideas of evolutionary theory have made their way onto the stage, either directly or indirectly, since the 1820s.  You can read Dan Rebellato’s review of the book in Contemporary Theatre Review here.  This work on theatrical engagements with evolutionary ideas stems from my second book, Science on Stage: From Doctor Faustus to Copenhagen (Princeton University Press, 2006; paperback 2012), and from the session I organized and chaired on Darwin and the Stage for the international Darwin Festival in Cambridge (2009). I have also published articles on theatre and science in Women:  A Cultural Review, American Scientist, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Physics World, Nature, and Gramma, and together with Dr Carina Bartleet I co-edited two special issues of Interdisciplinary Science Reviews (December 2013 and September 2014) on “New Directions in Theatre and Science.”  My chapter on nineteenth-century theatre’s engagements with mechanisms of transmission appears in Theatres of Contagion, ed. Fintan Walsh (2019).  I am also developing a research interest in theatre, technology, and backstage labor, and gave a keynote address on this topic at the 2018 conference of the British Society for Literature and Science.  A chapter based on this material appears in my Cambridge Companion to Theatre and Science.  Also within the realm of theatre and science, I am developing research on theatre and climate change, resulting in two publications co-authored with Dr Hannah Simpson (2022 and 2023).

My work on Ibsen and on theatrical modernism began with my first book, Ibsen and Early Modernist Theatre, 1890-1900 (Westport, CT:  Greenwood Press, 1997), a comparison of the first British and French productions of Ibsen’s plays and the critical responses to them in relation to modernism and the avant-garde theatre.  Since then I have continued to explore the role of theatrical performance within the modernist movement, for example looking at the use of scent in the Théâtre d’Art’s synaesthetic production of Song of Songs in 1891 (Theatre Research International), analyzing Edvard Munch’s set designs for Ibsen plays produced by Max Reinhardt (Nordic Theatre Studies), rethinking Ibsen’s “globalism” (Ibsen Studies), and reconsidering Joyce’s play Exiles within its theatrical context (Theatre Research International).  To hear me discussing Ibsen on Melvyn Bragg’s « In Our Time » in May 2018, listen here:  My chapter on gender and theatricality in Hedda Gabler appears in Henrik Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler:  Philosophical Perspectives, ed. Kristin Gjesdal (OUP, 2017).  It looks closely at Elizabeth Robins, actress, novelist, playwrights, feminist writer and activist, who played the first Hedda in London and was one of the key figures in Ibsen’s reception in Britain.  Together with Dr Alexandra Paddock I wrote the ‘Elizabeth Robins’ entry for Oxford Bibliographies On-Line for Oxford University Press (2018) which places Robins more prominently within nineteenth-century studies.

Geoffrey Cox

Du 28 avril au 16 mai 2025, référente : Anita Jorge (CAS, UT2J)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Media, Humanities and the Arts, University of Huddersfield

Geoffrey Cox began his musical career in London as a guitarist in a post-punk, new wave band in 1979. Rejecting all forms of structured musical learning, he submerged himself in various rock groups before finally embarking on a course of musical study at Liverpool Community College in 1989 which led to the formation of a jazz-influenced quintet playing mostly his own music.  This, in turn, led to an exploration of classical and contemporary music through an HND. He completed a First class honours degree in composition at Huddersfield in 1999  and a PhD in 2007 which focuses on the use of borrowed material in sampled and written form across a wide variety of musical genres. Other specialisms include Popular Musicology (the history and effect of technological developments on popular music) and working with visual images in a musical context, work which has become increasingly important to his output.

Lene Østermark-Johansen

Du 12 au 26 mai 2025, référente : Catherine Delyfer (CAS, UT2J)

I hold joint degrees in English literature and art history, and the majority of my research centres on word-image relations, primarily in the nineteenth century. My interests have long revolved around literary and visual portraiture, ekphrasis, and the interrelationship between language, sculpture and literature. I am interested in the literary forms chosen for writing about sculpture in the nineteenth century, in the stratification of language and in the way in which language can evoke three-dimensionality. Another current research interest is nineteenth-century cosmopolitanism, going back to some of my earlier work about the Victorian reception of the Italian Renaissance.

From 2021 to 2025 I am the Principal Investigator of the Velux-funded research project ‘Where Love Happens: Topographies of Emotions in Nineteenth-Century European Literature’:

My research group examines and challenges the concept of romantic love from a broad range of philosophical, literary, technological and legal viewpoints. My own research project is related to emotions and movement, to the love tourism generated by the great love stories from Héloïse and Abelard onwards. The literary pilgrimages inspired by Dante, Shakespeare, Rousseau, and the Brontës are at the heart of my research, as I examine how reading about love moves lovers out of their private spheres and into European tourism.

Matthew Roth

Du 2 au 22 juin 2025, référente : Marie Bouchet (CAS, UT2J)

Matthew Roth is a Professor of English. His area of expertise is Contemporary Poetry, Creative Writing, Vladimir Nabokov.

He is the author of two books of poems, Rains Rain (FutureCycle Press) and Bird Silence (Woodley Press). His poems have been published in many national journals, including Verse, American Literary Review, Antioch Review, and 32 Poems. He is the current vice-president of the International Vladimir Nabokov Society, and he has published a number of frequently cited articles on Nabokov’s novel, Pale Fire. He also serves as Associate Reviews Editor for the Nabokov Online Journal and as the coordinator of the Nabokov Online Seminars.


J. Ellen Gainor

Professeure à Cornell University, Chercheuse invitée du 4 au 18 décembre 2023 par le Laboratoire CAS (EA 801) et le DEMA de l’Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès. Référente : Emeline Jouve.

J. Ellen Gainor is Professor in the Department of Performing and Media Arts. A specialist in British and American drama of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and women’s dramaturgy, she is the author of the award-winning studies Shaw’s Daughters: Dramatic and Narrative Constructions of Gender and Susan Glaspell in Context: American Theater, Culture and Politics 1915-48. She is a co-author of The Norton Anthology of Drama, co-editor of The Complete Plays of Susan Glaspell, and the editor of Githa Sowerby: Three Plays. She has also edited the influential essay collections Imperialism and Theatre and the co-edited Performing America: Culture Nationalism in American Theater. Her latest publications include the edited volume, Susan Glaspell in Context, for the Literature in Context series from Cambridge University Press and the co-edited Routledge Anthology of Women’s Theatre Theory & Dramatic Criticism. She previously served as a literary advisor to both the Mint Theater and the Metropolitan Playhouse in New York and has worked for the Shaw Festival in Canada and the National Theatre in England.

Jonathan Charteris-Black

Professor in Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Creative Industries, and Education (ACE), University of the West of England :

Chercheur invité du 3 au 21 avril 2023 par le laboratoire CAS (EA 801) et le DEMA de l’Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès (référente : Sarah Bourse).

« I have developed a rhetorically based approach to metaphor known as Critical Metaphor Analysis. it draws on methodologies and perspectives developed in corpus linguistics, critical linguistics and cognitive semantics (see Corpus Approaches to Critical Metaphor Analysis, Palgrave 2004). I explain rhetorical choices – and in particular metaphor choices – with reference to individual pragmatic, cognitive and linguistic knowledge and to the social resources of culture, ideology and history. I am currently working on the Discourse of Brexit across a range of genres (including the press, twitter and political speeches), in particular identifying the framing effects of metaphor. »

Recent Books

  • Charteris-Black, J. (forthcoming) Metaphors of Brexit: No cherries on the cake. Palgrave.
  • Charteris-Black, J. (2018) Analysing Political Speeches: Rhetoric, Discourse  and Metaphor. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave-MacMillan. 2ndedition.
  • Charteris-Black, J. (2017) Fire Metaphors: Discourses of Awe and Authority. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Charteris-Black, J. (2014) Analysing Political Speeches: Rhetoric, Discourse  and Metaphor. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave-MacMillan.

William Blažek

Professor of American Literature and Modern Culture, English Department, Liverpool Hope University :

Chercheur invité du 27 mars au 14 avril 2023 par le laboratoire CAS (EA 801) et le DEMA de l’Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès (référente : Nathalie Cochoy).

William Blažek completed his undergraduate study in Minnesota and then conducted postgraduate research in Anglo-American literature at the University of Aberdeen and the University of East Anglia. He taught at the University of New Orleans, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Glasgow before coming to Liverpool Hope University in 1991. His teaching at Liverpool Hope includes the nineteenth-century literature course American Classics and the final-year core-course Modernism, as well as the MA modules Literary Theory and Criticism, The Literature of the First World War, and American Modernism. He serves as the Department of English research coordinator and postgraduate-research coordinator as well as postgraduate-research moderator for the University. A member of the executive board and currently vice-president of the F. Scott Fitzgerald Society, he is also a founding co-editor of The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review (2002-present) and co-editor of the essay collections American Mythologies (with Michael K. Glenday, Liverpool UP 2005) and Twenty-First-Century Readings of Tender Is the Night (with Laura Rattray, Liverpool UP 2007). His Oxford World’s Classics edition of Fitzgerald’s novel The Beautiful and Damned was published by Oxford UP in 2022, along with the co-edited volume F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Beautiful and Damned: New Critical Essays (with Kirk Curnutt and David W. Ullrich, Louisiana State UP). He has held research fellowships at Indiana University and the University of Oxford and was visiting professor at Jean Monnet University in Saint-Etienne, France. His research interests include American literature since 1800, Anglo-American modernism, war literature, and Native American writing. His recent and forthcoming publications include essays and articles on the work of Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and Edith Wharton; and he is writing a monograph on the themes of work, love, and war in the writings of Fitzgerald and Wharton.

Saugata Bhaduri

Professor at the Centre for English Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Chercheur invité du 9 janvier au 9 février 2023 par le laboratoire IHRIM (UMR 5317) et le Département des langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères de l’École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (référente : Vanessa Guignery).

Saugata Bhaduri is Professor at the Centre for English Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He has served as Visiting Professor at many universities and colleges in Europe, UK, and the USA, and has been recipient of several international research grants and awards. His areas of research interest include the cultural history of colonial Bengal, literary and cultural theory, popular culture, and translation and comparative literature studies. His latest books are Polycoloniality: European Transactions with Bengal from the 13th to the 19th Century (Bloomsbury 2020) and the forthcoming A Critical History of Bengali Literature (Orient Blackswan). His earlier books include Transcultural Negotiations of Gender: Studies in (Be)Longing (Springer 2015), Literary Theory: An Introductory Reader (Anthem 2010), Perspectives on Comparative Literature and Culture in the Age of Globalization (Anthem 2010), Negotiating Glocalization (Anthem 2008), and Translating Power (Katha 2008).

Wojciech Drąg 

Assistant professor at the Institute of English Studies, University of Wrocław (Pologne):

Chercheur invité du 31 janvier au 28 février 2023 par le laboratoire IHRIM (UMR 5317) et le Département des langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères de l’École Normale Supérieure de Lyondans le cadre des bourses Campus France (référente : Vanessa Guignery).

Wojciech Drąg is an assistant professor at the Institute of English Studies, University of Wrocław. He is the author of Collage in Twenty-First-Century Literature in English: Art of Crisis (Routledge, 2020) and Revisiting Loss: Memory, Trauma and Nostalgia in the Novels of Kazuo Ishiguro (Cambridge Scholars, 2014; Suiseisha, 2021 – Japanese translation), and co-editor of three edited volumes, including The Poetics of Fragmentation in Contemporary British and American Fiction (with Vanessa Guignery – Vernon, 2019). Mr Drąg has been awarded academic fellowships by the Kosciuszko Foundation (University of Utah, 2018), the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (Dartmouth College, 2021) and the French government (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 2023). His academic interests focus on contemporary British and American fiction and non-fiction and on formal experimentation in literature.

Jumana Bayeh

Senior Lecturer at Macquarie University, Sydney

Chercheuse invitée du 1 septembre 2022 au 31 janvier 2023 par le Collegium de Lyon, le laboratoire IHRIM (UMR 5317) et le Département des langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères de l’École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (référente : Vanessa Guignery).–275546.kjsp?RH=165303619

Jumana Bayeh’s research sits at the intersection of postcolonial and Middle East studies, especially the Arab Middle East and its diasporas. Her work focuses on Arab diaspora literature and culture, the history of colonialism in the Middle East, and the politics and culture in the Levant. She is interested in how narrative and story provide alternate and new ways to see and understand the world we inhabit. She is the author of The Literature of the Lebanese Diaspora: Representations of Place and Transnational Identity (2015; paperback 2019), has co-edited a volume on Arabs in Australia and has published on Arab diaspora fiction, the relationship between diaspora and world literature and the impact of diaspora on democracy. She is currently working on two projects, one that examines the Arab diaspora novel from Australia, North America and the UK, and another collaborative work on rioting and the literary archive. She is the current President of the Australasian Association for Literature and member of the Arab Theatre Studio board.  



Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Yale University :

Chercheuse invitée du 17 au 29 octobre 2022 par le laboratoire CAS (EA 801) et le DEMA de l’Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès (référente : Claire Cazajous-Augé).

« My research focuses on the practices, imaginaries, and influences of contemporary science and technology. I am interested in how scientists transform our understanding of what it means to be in the world. To study this, I think about the role of place and place-making in scientific work. My first book, Placing Outer Space: An Earthly Ethnography of Other Worlds, is about planetary scientists and how they transform planets from scientific objects into worlds. In so doing, Mars scientists and exoplanet astronomers are re-shaping our understanding of the universe, presenting a cosmos filled with places and destinations instead of an empty void. Earth, as a planet and a place, is implicated in this changing cosmology. My research asks how the planetary imagination developed by scientist looking outward might be turned inward and used to comprehend Earth on a planetary scale, necessary for confronting today’s environmental and political crises.

Currently, I am investigating the re-emerging technology of virtual reality. As a technology of immersion, VR promises to transport us to existing and fictitious places. This research is supported by an NSF Scholars Award, and I will be conducting ethnographic fieldwork in Los Angeles to study how the particular mix of entertainment, academic research, and industry development shape VR and its attending community. Through reading, teaching, and writing, I endeavor to link conversations in sociocultural anthropology with other fields of inquiry, including science and technology studies, media studies, cultural geography, environmental humanities, and history of science and technology. »


Associate Professor of English Linguistics and Translation, Trento University (Italy):

Chercheuse invitée du 17 au 28 octobre 2022 par le Laboratoire CAS (EA 801) et le DEMA de l’Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès (référente : Corinne Bigot).

Sabrina Francesconi currently works at the Department of Humanities, Università degli Studi di Trento. Sabrina does research in Multimodal Genre Analysis and Functional Stylistics. Her research areas include :

  • systemic functional linguistics
  • language and literature
  • systemic functional analysis of Alice Munro’s short stories
  • ESP, in particular English for tourism-multimodal genre analysis-varieties of English, in particular Maltese-English

Ian Duncan

Ian Duncan

Florence Green Bixby Chair in English, University of California, Berkeley

Chercheur invité du 9 au 22 octobre 2022 à l’Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3  (Unité de Recherche EMMA, axe de recherche Matérialités)  (référente : Christine Reynier)

Ian Duncan studied at King’s College, Cambridge (B.A., 1977) and Yale University (Ph.D., 1989), and taught for several years in the Yale English department, before being appointed Barbara and Carlisle Moore Distinguished Professor of English at the University of Oregon in 1995. He came to Berkeley in 2001, and was appointed to the Florence Green Bixby Chair in English in 2011. He is a recipient (2017) of the university’s Distinguished Teaching Award. Duncan is the author of Modern Romance and Transformations of the Novel (Cambridge, 1992), Scott’s Shadow: The Novel in Romantic Edinburgh (Princeton, 2007), and Human Forms: The Novel in the Age of Evolution (Princeton, 2019). He is currently writing a short book on Scotland and Romanticism, and editing The Cambridge History of Scottish Literature. Fields of research and teaching include the theory and history of the novel, British literature and culture of the long nineteenth century, Scottish literature, literature and the natural sciences, and literature in relation to other storytelling media (opera; film). Duncan is a Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, a member of the editorial board of Representations, a General Editor of the Collected Works of James Hogg, and co-editor of a book series, Edinburgh Critical Studies in Romanticism. He has held visiting positions at the Universities of British Columbia and Konstanz, Boğaziçi University, LMU Munich, Princeton University, and Aix-Marseille University.

Edwige Tamalet Talbayev

Edwige Tamalet Talbayev

Associate Professor of French and Director of Middle East and North African Studies, Tulane University

Chercheure invitée du 10 au 21 mai 2022 au Laboratoire CAS (EA 801) de l’Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès (référente : Isabelle Keller-Privat)

Edwige Tamalet Talbayev’s work focuses on the intersection of modernity, postcoloniality, and transnationalism in the Maghreb and the Mediterranean contact zone.

Her first book, The Transcontinental Maghreb: Francophone Literature across the Mediterranean, was published by Fordham University Press in 2017. Studying a Mediterranean-inspired body of texts from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Gibraltar in French, Arabic, and Spanish, the book argues for a transmaritime deployment of the Maghreb across Mediterranean sites to which it has been materially and culturally bound for millennia. Through a reflection on allegory and critical melancholia, the book shows how the Mediterranean decenters postcolonial nation-building projects and breathes new life into Maghrebi claims to an inclusive, democratic national ideal yet to be realized. Engaging the space of the sea, the hybridity it produces, and the way it has shaped such historical dynamics as globalization, imperialism, decolonization, and nationalism, The Transcontinental Maghreb rethinks the very nature of postcolonial histories and identities along its shores.

She is the co-editor of the collection Critically Mediterranean: Temporalities, Aesthetics, and Deployments of a Sea in crisis (Palgrave 2018), which probes the critical relevance of the Mediterranean as a theoretical entity and an aesthetic, hermeneutic, and theoretical category for the interpretation of culture in the modern era.

A second ongoing project, “Water Logics,” extends the reflection on the Mediterranean to other maritime contexts across the globe. Turning away from visions of the sea as a setting in which to examine the intersection of the histories of empire and capital, “Water logics” proposes to delve into the materiality of the aqueous as a site of alternative epistemologies and experiences of being. “Water Logics” will be the focus of an international conference to take place at Tulane on April 11-12, 2019.

Davide Vago

Davide Vago

Professeur Associé en Littérature française, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Chercheur invité du 9 au 27 mai 2022 au Laboratoire CAS (EA 801) de l’Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès (référente : Nathalie Vincent-Arnaud)

Les travaux de recherche de Davide Vago si situent au carrefour des langues, de la littérature comparée et de la traduction. Il s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux thèmes de recherche suivants :

  • L’écriture du sensible (Marcel Proust).
  • L’expression littéraire de la couleur (XIX-XX).
  • Représentation de la voix humaine dans la prose romanesque (XXe siècle).
  • Enonciation, Point de vue (PDV), Discours indirect libre (DIL) dans le roman.
  • Écopoétique. French Animal Studies: théorie du PDV (point de vue) et empathie à l’égard de l’animal (Maurice Genevoix, Louis Pergaud, Jean Giono).
  • Traduction du texte de théâtre.

Il a récemment publié :

Guillemette Crouzet

Guillemette Crouzet

Marie Curie Sklodowska Individual Research Fellow, Warwick University

Chercheure invitée du 11 au 22 avril 2022 au Laboratoire CAS (EA 801) de l’Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès (référente : Myriam Yakoubi)

Guillemette Crouzet started a Marie Curie Sklodowska Individual Research Fellowship in April 2019 in the History Department at the University of Warwick, where she previously held a Newton International Postdoctoral Fellowship. She is a historian of the British empire, the Middle East and India in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She received her PhD from the Sorbonne (Paris, 2014), and has undertaken research and teaching work through prestigious fellowships at the European University Institute in Florence, Sciences Po Paris, and the Graduate Institute (University of Geneva). Her prize-winning first book, Genèses du Moyen-Orient. Le Golfe Persique à l’âge des impérialismes, was published in 2015.

She is a fellow of the Royal Historical Society.

Kathleen Donohue

Kathleen Donohue

Professor of History, Central Michigan University

Chercheure invitée du 20 mars au 9 avril 2022 au Laboratoire CAS (EA 801) de l’Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès (référente : Françoise Coste)

Kathleen Donohue is Professor of History at Central Michigan University.

Professor Donohue is primarily interested in the ways in which Americans make sense of their political world. Her first book, Freedom from Want: American Liberalism and the Idea of the Consumer (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003; paperback 2005), looked at the role that American ideas about the producer and the consumer played in transforming free-market liberalism into its more activist modern counterpart. Recent publications include the edited collection Liberty and Justice for All? Rethinking Politics in Cold War America (Amherst, 2012) and an article “Choosing Conservatism in the 1930s: The Political Odyssey of F. J. Schlink,” which recently appeared in The Journal of the Historical Society. Her current book project, Information Wars: The Public’s Right to Know and the Making of Modern America, for which she received both a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship and a Theodore Sorensen Research Fellowship, examines the ways in which the politics and political discourse surrounding the public’s right to know shaped public policy and ideas about democracy, citizenship and governance between 1945 and 1990. Professor Donohue has also taught in Germany on several occasions, most recently at universities in Bochum and Heidelberg.

David Scourfield

David Scourfield

Professor Emeritus of Classics, Maynooth University

Chercheur invité du 14 mars au 2 avril 2022 au Laboratoire CAS (EA 801) de l’Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès (référente : Isabelle Keller-Privat)

“I am interested in practically all aspects of Antiquity, and my research embraces both literature and ancient social and cultural history. In general, it has four main emphases: (a) bereavement and consolation in the ancient world; (b) the literature of late Antiquity, especially Jerome; (c) the Greek and Roman novel; (d) twentieth-century receptions of the classical world, especially in English literature from 1900 to 1939.  I am currently working on a monograph on E. M. Forster and Classics, as well as a new edition of his second novel, The Longest Journey, commissioned by Cambridge University Press as part of The Cambridge Edition of the Fiction of E. M. Forster; and I have for some time been working on a major book-length study of the ancient consolatory letter, where sociohistorical questions are as much of a concern as more traditional literary and philosophical matters.  Recent publications include a volume on representations of violence in Latin literature, Texts and Violence in the Roman World, co-edited with Monica Gale of Trinity College Dublin (Cambridge, 2018) ”. Consult David Scourfield’s professional page

Anita Fetzer

 Anita Fetzer

Professeur, Université d’Augsbourg

Chercheur invité du 14 mars au 2 avril 2022 au Laboratoire CAS (EA 801) de l’Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès (référente : Isabelle Keller-Privat)

Champ(s) de recherche : Linguistique anglaise, linguistique de l’oral, functional grammar, linguistic glue, pragmatique

Lien vers sa page institutionnelle :

Joshua Schuster

Joshua Schuster

Associate Professor à Western University (Canada)

Chercheur invité à partir du 7 février 2022 au Laboratoire LERMA (UR 853, Aix-Marseille Université) (référent : Sébastien Lefait)

Joshua Schuster est l’auteur notamment d’un ouvrage sur l’écologie du modernisme, The Ecology of Modernism: American Environments and Avant-Garde Poetics (University of Alabama Press, 2015). Il a par ailleurs coécrit avec Derek Woods un livre à paraître sous peu, consacré au risque existentiel et à sa représentation dans la culture américaine, Calamity Theory: Three Critiques of Existential Risk (University of Minnesota Press, 2021). Certains de ses travaux récents ont paru dans les revues ResilienceCultural Review Studies, Parrhesia, et dans des volumes édités sur Derrida, Roberto Esposito et l’écopoétique contemporaine. Il termine actuellement un livre sur la signification conceptuelle et culturelle de l’extinction. Il a également entrepris récemment la rédaction d’un nouveau projet de livre sur l’écopoétique contemporaine et la nécessité de développer des formes extrêmes de discours poétique.

Robert Poole

Robert Poole

Professor of History, University of Central Lancashire

Chercheur invité à partir du 31 janvier au 26 février 2022 à Sorbonne Université (référent : Fabrice Bensimon)

Robert Poole est spécialiste de la Grande-Bretagne des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, en particulier du radicalisme politique. Il a récemment publié Peterloo : The English Uprising (Oxford, OUP, 2019), sur le massacre de Peterloo, à Manchester le 16 août 1819. Il étudie également l’histoire culturelle de la conquête spatiale et a publié Earthrise: How Man First Saw the Earth (New Haven, Yale UP, 2010).

Robert Poole peut être contacté :


Helen Southworth

Professor of English, University of Oregon

Chercheure invitée du 11 octobre au 11 novembre 2021 au Laboratoire LERMA d’Aix-Marseille Université.

Helen Southworth is Professor of English at the University of Oregon.  She specializes in Woolf Studies, Modernism, Digital Humanities, Archives, Life -Writing and Print Culture and she is a cofounder of the Modernist Archives Publishing Project. Her books include The Intersecting Realities and Fictions of Virginia Woolf and Colette, Fresca: A Life in the MakingLeonard and Virginia Woolf, the Hogarth Press and the Networks of Modernism (editor) and Scholarly Adventures in the Digital Humanities (co-editor)She is the co-editor of the forthcoming companion: Women in Publishing: 1900 to Present.

John T. Matteson

John T. Matteson

Distinguished Professor, Littérature, Histoire et Droit américains, Biographie et Autobiographie

Chercheur invité du 4 octobre au 3 décembre 2021 au Laboratoire ECLLA de la Faculté ALL, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, par Elisabeth Bouzonviller, Professeur de Littérature Américaine et Floriane Reviron-Piégay, MCF en Littérature anglaise.

Diplômé de Harvard, de Princeton et de Columbia, John T. Matteson a enseigné à Harvard et à Columbia. Il est l’auteur d’une Thèse sur les liens entre la prudence, le blasphème et l’esclavage et sur l’éthique dans le Droit et la Littérature à l’époque d’ Emerson. Spécialiste d’Emerson et de Melville, il est aussi lui-même biographe: sa biographie de Louisa May Alcott lui a valu d’obtenir le Prix Pulitzer (Biographie et Autobiographie) en 2008: Eden’s Outcast:The Story of Louisa May Alcott and her Father, (Norton, 2007).

Son dernier ouvrage A Worse Place than Hell: How the Civil War Battle of Fredericksburg Changed a Nation est paru en février 2021 chez Norton.

Alice Delorme Benites

Alice Delorme Benites

Lecturer (Translation, French, Applied Linguistics), ZHAW School of Applied Linguistics, Zurich

Chercheuse invitée à l’ILCEA4 (Université Grenoble Alpes), octobre 2021

Alice Delorme Benites est maître de conférences en français et traduction à l’Université des sciences appliquées de Zurich. Elle mène des recherches sur la  traduction, son enseignement, et la maîtrise de la traduction automatique. Elle a notamment étudié actuellement la traductibilité par machine des résumés et articles scientifiques à l’aide de la grammaire de construction afin de formuler des recommandations. Elle travaille actuellement sur un projet visant à renforcer les bonnes pratiques en matière de traduction automatique au sein des universités suisses – et a mené une vaste enquête sur les usages et les perceptions de la TAN dans quatre universités (3500 réponses). Lors de son enseignement, elle teste de nombreuses nouvelles approches didactiques telles que les enregistrements d’écran, l’apprentissage basé sur le corpus et les données avec CQP-web, l’apprentissage basé sur la recherche et l’écriture collaborative. Parallèlement, elle a travaillé comme traductrice indépendante, notamment dans le domaine de la localisation et du marketing des jeux.

Saugata Bhaduri

Saugata Bhaduri

Professor, Centre for English Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Chercheuse invitée à l’ILCEA4 (LISCA, Université Grenoble Alpes) du 25 septembre – 23 décembre 2021

Saugata Bhaduri est spécialiste de littérature et culture coloniales et post-coloniales, ainsi que de théorie de la littérature et de la traduction. Il a publié de nombreux articles et ouvrages sur la traduction, la culture populaire, la diaspora et la théorie du langage. Sa recherche est variée: il s’intéresse notamment à l’évolution des zones de contact colonial, mais aussi à la culture numérique contemporaine. Il a enseigné à la Jamia Millia Islamia University (New Delhi) et enseigne depuis 2003 à la Jawaharlal Nehru University. Il a été professeur invité à de nombreuses reprises, au Royaume-Uni, en Allemagne et en Pologne notamment. Son dernier ouvrage Polycoloniality: European Transactions with Bengal from the 13th to the 19th Century (2020) est publié par Bloomsbury.