Accueil » Colloques » October 24-25, 2019 TENTH INTERNATIONAL GEORGE MOORE CONFERENCE Truth, Innovation and Commitment: the Artistic Legacy of George Moore At the University of Almería, Spain

October 24-25, 2019 TENTH INTERNATIONAL GEORGE MOORE CONFERENCE Truth, Innovation and Commitment: the Artistic Legacy of George Moore At the University of Almería, Spain


with sessions at Museo Arqueológico de Almería


Comprising over 50 books, numerous short stories and articles, plays, and even some poetry, the Moore oeuvre invites inspection and responses, particularly from scholars in the fields of literature, history, politics, sociology, music, visual art, and gender studies. However, documented aspects of George Moore’s negotiations and discussions could interest lawyers, accountants and mediators.

Proposals for papers are invited from individual speakers and from themed panels. Topics could include, but are not limited to:

– A Moore trajectory?

– Moore’s connections: reaching out to artists, writers, friends, sympathisers and followers

-Moore and fin-de-siècle political, social and cultural ideologies

-Moore’s artistic evolution and legacy

-Moore, within and without Naturalism, Symbolism and Modernism

-Moore’s other stylistic worlds: theatre, opera, outdoor pursuits, Dutch painting, Grecian sculpture & archaeology.

-Reactions to Moore

-Moore and the story: rewriting and reconstruction

-Moore’s autobiographical writings

-Moore’s use of humour as a literary device

-Moore’s artistic legacy

-Moore’s influence on other writers

-Moore’s reconstruction and rewriting of books

-Moore and genres: novel, short story, drama

-Moore and gender

-GM: Francophile & Anglophile?



Abstracts (200 words) for papers proposed (20 minutes maximum delivery time) should be accompanied by a short biographical note (100 words), plus full address, institutional affiliation and email. Please send abstracts to María Elena Jaime de Pablos:   by April 30, 2019.





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