Accueil » Colloques » Mercredi 5 Juin 2019 – Vendredi 7 Juin 2019 AFLiCo 8 Langage, Cognition et Créativité 8e Colloque international biennal de l’Association française de Linguistique cognitive (AFLiCo) Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, France

Mercredi 5 Juin 2019 – Vendredi 7 Juin 2019 AFLiCo 8 Langage, Cognition et Créativité 8e Colloque international biennal de l’Association française de Linguistique cognitive (AFLiCo) Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, France

[English version below]


Laura Hildalgo DOWNING (Universidad Autónoma Madrid, Espagne)

Andreas LANGLOTZ (Université de Basel, Suisse)

Jeannette LITTLEMORE (Université de Birmingham, GB)

Hans-Joerg SCHMID (LMU Munich, Allemagne)

Elena SEMINO (Lancaster Université, GB)

Mark TURNER (Case Western Reserve Université, Etats-Unis)

THÈMES DU COLLOQUE : Langage, Cognition et Créativité

Depuis ses débuts, la linguistique cognitive a pris au sérieux l’étude de l’innovation et de la créativité dans le langage, bien au-delà des recherches sur le langage figuré. Le sujet de la créativité est toujours de l’actualité dans plusieurs disciplines, et non seulement la linguistique (voir scientific statement ci-dessous). En effet, aucune discipline ne semble avoir le monopole du savoir sur la créativité, thème de recherche interdisciplinaire par excellence. Ainsi, le 8e colloque international de l’Association française de linguistique cognitive (, aura comme thème le langage, la cognition, et la créativité. AFLiCo 8 à Mulhouse en 2019 fait suite aux colloques AFLiCo à Bordeaux (2005), Lille (2007), Nanterre (2009), Lyon (2011), Lille (2013), Grenoble (2015), and Liege (2017).

Nous encourageons la soumission de contributions sur le rôle que joue la cognition dans la créativité verbale dans des contextes divers (e.g. dans les conversations, dans la rhétorique, dans l’humour, dans la communication interculturelle, dans les arts, etc.). Seront également bienvenus les études sur la créativité dans des gestes, dans la multimodalité, et des études sur le sujet par des approches diverses (e.g. linguistique de corpus, sociolinguistique, psycholinguistique, etc.). Les organisateurs encouragent la soumission de propositions de communication par de jeunes chercheurs. Les communications peuvent se faire en anglais ou en français, et seront de 20 minutes maximum, suivi de 8 minutes de questions.


Les propositions de résumés pour des présentations orales (20 minutes) ou de posters seront évaluées en double aveugle. Elles doivent être soumises de manière anonyme et contenir au maximum 500 mots (à l’exclusion des références bibliographiques). L’envoi des résumés se fait uniquement sur la plate-forme SciencesConf (

Format des propositions :

500 mots, Times, interligne simple, titre en gras centré au sommet de la page, nombre de mots visible, anonymat.

Question de recherche clairement explicitée, signification et originalité pour le champ, méthode, analyse, discussion.

Exemples, tableaux, figures et références bibliographiques sur une seconde page.

Fichiers WORD ou PDF à « uploader » sur la plate-forme.


Date limite de dépôt des soumissions: 1 décembre 2018

Réponse aux auteurs: 15 janvier 2019

Dates du colloque: du 5 juin 2019 au 7 juin 2019

Diner de clôture : le 7 juin 2018, 20h-23h


Les informations relatives à la procédure d’inscription et les hôtels seront mises en ligne en temps utile. Les membres de l’AFLiCo, ainsi que les étudiants et ceux qui s’inscrivent tôt, pourront bénéficier d’une réduction.


Nous encourageons la soumission des articles pour publication après le colloque dans notre revue en ligne, CogniTextes, ( ).


ENGLISH VERSION OF THE CALL FOR PAPERS – AFLiCo 8 – “Language, Cognition, and Creativity”

8th International Biennial Conference of the French Association for Cognitive Linguistics (AFLiCo)

University of Haute Alsace, Mulhouse, France

Wednesday 5 June 2019 to Friday 7 June 2019



Laura Hildalgo Downing (Universidad Autónoma, Madrid, Spain)

Andreas Langlotz (University of Basel, Switzerland)

Jeannette Littlemore (University of Birmingham, UK)

Elena Semino (Lancaster University, UK)

Hans-Joerg Schmid (LMU Munich, Germany)

Mark Turner (Case Western Reserve University, USA)


This will be the 8th biennial international conference of AFLiCo, the French Association for Cognitive Linguistics ( It follows the previous AFLiCo international conferences held in Bordeaux (2005), Lille (2007), Nanterre (2009), Lyon (2011), Lille (2013), Grenoble (2015), and Liege (2017).

We welcome 20 minute presentations (with 8 minutes for follow-up questions) from researchers interested in linguistic creativity. Interdisciplinary papers are welcome which address verbal creativity in conversations, humor, written communication, the verbal arts, multimodal forms, gestures, etc. Because creativity is of interest to many different researchers (see scientific statement below), we also welcome papers from those working on creativity in fields such as psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, pragmatics, and psychology. The organizers especially encourage young researchers to submit an abstract. Presentations may be made in French or English.


Abstract submission is to be done via a login on the conference the website. Abstracts will be submitted to double blind review. They should be fully anonymous and not exceed 500 words (references excluded). Indicate if you wish to present a poster or give a paper in the general session.


Submission deadline: 1 December 2019

Notification of acceptance: 15 January 2019

Conference dates: 5 June 2019 to 7 June 2019

Conference dinner to end the conference: 8 pm – 11 pm, Friday 7 June 2019


Details about the registration procedure, registration deadlines, and local hotels will be posted on the conference website as soon as they become available ( ). AFLiCo members, students, and early birds will be eligible for reduced registration fees.


English and French



We encourage submission of articles based on conference presentations or poster in our on-line peer-reviewed journal CogniTextes, ( ).


Craig Hamilton, UHA Mulhouse,

Laetitia Attili, UHA Mulhouse

Nikol Dziub, UHA Mulhouse

Sonia Goldblum-Krause, UHA Mulhouse

Thomas Jauriberry, UHA Mulhouse

Isabelle Repiso, UHA Mulhouse

Tatiana Musinova, UHA Mulhouse

Greta Komur-Thilloy, UHA Mulhouse


Heike Behrens, University of Basel

Charles Brasart, Université de Nantes

Cristiano Broccias, University of Genoa

Agnes Celle,  Université Paris 7

Florence Chenu, Université Lyon 2

Alan Cienki, VU Amsterdam

Gilles Col, Université de Poitiers

Seana Coulson, UC San Diego

Jonathan Culpeper, Lancaster University

Barbara Dancygier, University of British Columbia

Guillaume Desagulier, Université Paris 8

Walter de Mulder, University of Antwerp

Nicole Delbecque, KU Leuven

Jean-Michel Fortis, Université Paris 7

Cécile Frérot, Université Grenoble Alpes

Dirk Geeraerts, KU Leuven

Stefan Th. Gries, UC Santa Barbara

Randy Harris, University of Waterloo

Lyndon Higgs, Université de Strasbourg

Martin Hilpert, Université de Neuchâtel

Maarten Lemmens, Université Lille 3

Diana Lewis, Université Aix-Marseille

Christian Mair, University of Freiburg

Aliyah Morgenstern, Université Paris 3

Florent Perek, University of Birmingham

Julien Perrez, Université de Liège

Nick Riches, Newcastle University

Caroline Rossi, Université Grenoble Alpes

Sandrine Sorlin, Université Montpellier 3

Paul Sambre, KU Leuven

Natalya Stolova, Colgate University

Sabina Tabacaru, Université Paris 8

AFLICO 8 Motivation – Scientific Statement

Since the publication of works such as “A Mechanism of Creativity” (Turner & Fauconnier, 1999) and Language and Creativity: The Art of Common Talk (Carter, 2004), creativity has remained a major research topic in many different disciplines. For example, psychologists have found creativity to be involved in problem solving (Davidson & Sternberg, 2003), cognitive development (Kaufman & Baer 2016; Smith & Ward, 2012), and human cognition more generally (Sternberg, 1999; Sternberg & Kaufman, 2018). There also been recent work on creativity in art, literature, and science (Czabi, 2018; Hoorn, 2014; Otis 2015), as well as on creativity in imagery, language, and behavior (Veale et al., 2013). Cognitive neuroscientists have also started to take an interest in creativity (Abraham, 2018).

In linguistics, there has been much research on creativity in several areas, such as, for example, figurative language (Kövecses, 2010 & 2017; Langlotz, 2006; Müller, 2010; Suárez-Toste, 2017); genre studies (Hamilton & Pratt, 2009); humor (Brône et al, 2015); internet humor (Dancygier & Vandelanotte, 2017);  language play (Bell, 2016); lexical creativity (Fischer, 2014; Pitzl, 2013; Munat, 2007); multilingualism (Kharkhurin, 2012; Ishiyama, 2014); mulitmodality (Hidalgo-Downing et al, 2014; El Refaie 2015); pragmatics (Malafouris et al, 2014; Tseng, 2016; Vega Moreno, 2007); translation studies (Cifuentes-Férez and Meseguer Cutillas, 2018); and world Englishes (Deshors et al, 2018; Pitzl, 2018).

In sum, interest in creativity is widespread because the topic seems to cut across disciplinary boundaries. This is no doubt thanks to the countless domains in which we see human creativity occur. The timing thus seems right for AFLICO 8 to have as its theme — language, cognition, and creativity — and to invite submissions on the topic for presentation in Mulhouse.


Abrham, Anna. The Neuroscience of Creativity. CUP, 2018.

Bell, Nancy, ed. Multiple Perspectives on Language Play. Mouton de Gruyter, 2016. 

Brône, Geert, Kurt Feyaerts, and Tony Veale, eds. Cognitive Linguistics and Humor Research. Mouton de Gruyter, 2015.

Carter, Ronald. Language and Creativity: The Art of Common Talk. Routledge, 2004.

Cifuentes-Férez, Paula and Purificación Meseguer Cutillas. “Can self-esteem and creative intelligence foster accuracy and creativity in professional translators?” Translation, Cognition & Behavior 1:2, 2018, pp. 341–360.

Csabi, Szilvia. Expressive Minds and Artistic Creations. OUP, 2018.

Dancygier, Barbara  and Lieven Vandelanotte. “Internet memes as multimodal constructions.” Cognitive Linguistics, vol. 28, issue 3, 2017, pp. 565-598.

Davidson, Janet and Robert Sternberg, eds. The Psychology of Problem Solving. CUP, 2003.

Deshors, Sandra, Sandra Götz and Samantha Laporte, eds. Rethinking Linguistic Creativity in Non-native Englishes. John Benjamins, 2018. 

El Refaie, Elisabeth. “Cross-modal resonances in creative multimodal metaphors: Breaking out of conceptual prisons.” Multimodality and Cognitive Linguistics, edited by María Jesús Pinar Sanz. John Benjamins, 2015, pp. 13–26.

Fischer, Roswitha. “Lexical creativity reconsidered: GUI, cyborg, cred, pay-per-view, techno and cyber- .” The Evolution of Englishes: The Dynamic Model and Beyond, edited by Sarah Buschfeld et al. John Benjamins, 2014, pp. 448-469.

Hamilton, Mary and Kathy Pitt. “Creativity in academic writing: Escaping from the straitjacket of genre.” Why Writing Matters: Issues of access and identity in writing research and pedagogy, edited by Awena Carter, Theresa Lillis and Sue Parkin. John Benjamins, 2009, pp. 61–79.

Hidalgo-Downing, Laura, Blanca Kraljevic Mujic and Begoña Nuñez-Perucha. “Metaphorical creativity and recontextualization in multimodal advertisements on e-business across time.” Metaphorical creativity across modes, edited by Laura Hidalgo-Downing and Blanca Kraljevic Mujic, special issue of Metaphor and the Social World, vol. 3, issue 2, 2013, pp. 199–219.

Hoorn, Johan. Creative Confluence. Linguistic Approaches to Literature series. John Benjamins, 2014.

Ishiyama, Osamu. “The nature of speaker creativity in linguistic innovation.” Usage-Based Approaches to Language Change, edited by Evie Coussé and Ferdinand von Mengden.  John Benjamins, 2014, pp. 147–166.

Kaufman, James and John Baer, eds. Creativity and Reason in Cognitive Development, 2nd ed. CUP, 2016.

Kharkhurin, Anatoliy. Multilingualism and Creativity. Mouton de Gruyter, 2012. 


Kövecses, Zoltán . “A new look at metaphorical creativity in cognitive linguistics.” Cognitive Linguistics, vol. 21, issue 10, 2010, pp. 663–697.

Kövecses, Zoltán. Where Metaphors Come From: Reconsidering Context in Metaphor. OUP, 2017.

Langlotz, Andreas. Idiomatic Creativity: A cognitive-linguistic model of idiom-representation and idiom-variation in English. John Benjamins, 2006.

Malafouris, Lambros, Chris Gosden and Karenleigh Overmann, eds. Creativity, Cognition and Material Culture, special issue of Pragmatics & Cognition, vol. 22, issue 1, 2014.

Müller, Ralph. “Critical analysis of creative metaphors in political speeches.” Researching and Applying Metaphor in the Real World, edited by Graham Low et al. John Benjamins, 2010, pp. 321–332.

Munat, Judith ed. Lexical Creativity, Texts and Contexts. John Benjamins, 2007.

Otis, Laura. Rethinking Thought: Inside the Minds of Creative Scientists and Artists. OUP, 2015.

Pitzl, Marie-Luise. “Creativity in Language Use.” Handbook of Pragmatics, volume 17, edited by Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren.  John Benjamins, 2013, pp. 1–28.

Pitzl, Marie-Luise. Creativity in English as a Lingua Franca. Mouton de Gruyter, 2018.

Smith, Steve and Tom Ward. “Cognition and the Creation of Ideas.” The Oxford Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning, edited by Keith Holyoak and Robert Morrison. OUP, 2012, pp. 456-474.

Sternberg, Robert and James Kaufman, eds. The Nature of Human Creativity. CUP, 2018.

Sternberg, Robert, ed. Handbook of Creativity. CUP, 1999.

Suárez-Toste, Ernesto. “Babel of the senses: On the roles of metaphor and synesthesia in wine reviews.” Terminology: International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication, vol. 23, issue 1, 2017, pp. 89-112.

Tseng, Ming-Yu. “Towards a pragmatic analysis of product discourse: Creative force and meta-pragmatic performance.” The pragmatics of professional discourse, special issue edited by Winnie Cheng, Pragmatics and Society, vol. 7, issue 1, 2016, pp. 105–140.

Turner, Mark and Gilles Fauconnier. “A Mechanism of Creativity.” Poetics Today, vol. 20, issue 3, 1999, pp. 397-418.

Veale, Tony, Kurt Feyaerts, and Charles Forceville, eds. Creativity and The Agile Mind. Mouton de Gruyter, 2013.

Vega Moreno, Rosa. Creativity and Convention: The pragmatics of everyday figurative speech. John Benjamins, 2007.







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