Accueil » Colloques » July 25th – 27nd, 2017 EUPOP 2017 University of the Arts London, the sixth annual international conference of the European Popular Culture Association (EPCA)

July 25th – 27nd, 2017 EUPOP 2017 University of the Arts London, the sixth annual international conference of the European Popular Culture Association (EPCA)


University of the Arts London, July 25th – 27nd, 2017

Deadline: April 17th 2017-03-12

 Individual paper and panel contributions are welcomed for the sixth annual international conference of the European Popular Culture Association (EPCA), to be held at the University of the Arts London (272 High Holborn), July 25th – 27nd, 2017.

EUPOP 2017 will explore European popular culture in all its various forms. This includes, but is by no means limited to, the following topics: European Film (past and present), Television, Music, Celebrity, The Body, Fashion, New Media, Popular Literature and Graphic Novels, Queer Studies, Sport, Curation, and Digital Culture. One particular strand will be devoted to fascism and popular culture.

The closing date for this call is Monday April 17th , 2017.

There will be opportunities for networking and publishing within the EPCA. Presenters at EUPOP 2017 will be encouraged to develop their papers for publication in a number of Intellect journals, including the EPCA’s Journal of European Popular Culture. Journal editors will be working closely with strand convenors – a full list of Intellect journals is available at:

Papers and Complete Panels for all strands will be subject to peer review. Proposals for individual presentations must not exceed 20 minutes in length, and those for panels limited to 90 minutes. In the latter case, please provide a short description of the panel along with individual abstracts. Poster presentations and video projections are also warmly welcomed.

Proposals comprising a 300-word abstract, your full name, affiliation, and contact details (as a Word-file attachment, not a PDF) should be submitted to Pamela Church Gibson ( by 17/04/2017. Receipt of proposals will be acknowledged via e-mail.

The conference draft program will be announced in May 2017, along with the conference registration and accommodation details. The likely conference fee will be 200 euros (student), and 250 euros (other). The fee includes coffees, lunches, evening reception & dinner, and EPCA Membership (includes subscription to the European Journal of Popular Culture, Intellect Press).

Keynote speakers will be announced in May 2017.

The European Popular Culture Association

The European Popular Culture Association (EPCA) promotes the study of popular culture from, in, and about Europe. Popular culture involves a wide range of activities, material forms and audiences. EPCA aims to examine and discuss these different aspects as they relate both to Europe and to Europeans across the globe, whether contemporary or historical.


EUPOP 2017 is organised by:

European Popular Culture Association (EPCA):

International Institute for Popular Culture (IIPC):


EPCA President, Kari Kallioniemi,

EPCA Vice-President, Pamela Church Gibson,

EPCA Secretary, IIPC Coordinator, Kimi Kärki,

EPCA Membership Secretary, Graham Roberts,




Étiquettes :