English Teaching Lecteur – Université Polytechnique Hauts de France, 2024-2025


English Department at Valenciennes University,

Université Polytechnique Hauts de France (UPHF), Northern France

Institut Sociétés & Humanités (ISH), Unité Académique Lettres Langues Arts (UA – LLA)

Contract duration: Beginning September 1st- work contract ends August 31st.

Possibility of renewal for a further academic year.

Salary:2024/25 rate: 1819 euros per month, 1500 € after tax.(Plus paid overtime)

Note that you are paid through the summer, even though you are not working, as the academic year finishes beginning of July and classes are usually finished by mid-April. Yet, your presence is required during the exam period (May and June).

Applicant Requirements

  • Applicant must be native English speaker
  • Must have completed a 4-year university course.
  • Must speak French at an intermediate or advanced level to communicate in a French-speaking environment as well as with co-workers and students
  • Must be able to work independently; some experience in teaching English would be preferable, as would cross-cultural skills
  • Must be dynamic, organized, creative and motivated.
  • Must be ready to work with colleagues for the elaboration of curriculum and exam topics; must also be able to draw up lesson plans independently and grade students.
  • Must commit for the entire period of the contract (one year minimum)

Job Description

A lot of our students have a B1/B2/intermediate level of spoken English. However, depending on the classes, some students are A1/A2/beginner and other students are C1/C2/advanced. The proficiency of the students is hence extremely varied and depends on the class/degree.

Adaptability is key: the position requires independent lesson planning as well as working with the team of lecteurs and colleagues from the Department.

Principal Tasks


English classes for a total of about 13 hours per week, 300 hours TP per annum – equivalent to 200 hours TD (please note that a TP counts as 1,5 TD since a TP is half a class) with possibilities of being paid extra hours. Mostly oral expression classes + Marking and administrative follow-up work


  • Keeping office hours in the Lecteurs’ Room:

The lecteurs’ room is open to students from 1:00 to 2:00pm Mon-Fri. Students are actively encouraged by the lecteur team to come and practice their language skills outside of a classroom context.

  • Organising events/activities:

‘English Nights’ in town in Valenciennes, book club, board games.

  • Organising the annual student trip to the UK, usually scheduled at the end of April/May, with about 50 students.
  • Taking part in welcoming prospective students and their parents at the annual Open Day, usually in January

Support and Staff

A designated member of staff will be there to assist and advise as soon as you have been selected (May-June) and appointed (September 1st).

Usually a/or several lecteurs stay on for a second year, so you can rely on them for advice on teaching and settling in.

The board of Association Gulliver (English Club) handles finances for events and the annual trip.

Being a lecteur implies teamwork with the other language assistants but also with the rest of the teaching and administrative staff of the English Department. Attending staff meetings, exam boards and participating in the department’s life is also mandatory.

Advantages and Opportunities

  • Opportunity to improve proficiency in French and be immersed in French culture for a complete academic year
  • Opportunity to meet people from different cultures and backgrounds. There will be 5 English-speaking lecteurs in total as well as lecteurs from Spain, South America and Germany.
  • Opportunity to sign up for free French courses at the university to improve your language skills.
  • Weekends (Sat-Sun) and vacations, allowing for plenty of opportunity to travel: Valenciennes is close to Belgium, ideally situated 40 minutes by train from Lille, the ‘capital’ of Northern France, and Paris (2-hour journey).
  • Lille Metropolis is at the crossroad of a good high speed rail transport network (Eurostar) and offers fast, intercity connections to major European towns and cities.
  • In Valenciennes there is plenty to do (shopping malls, bars, restaurants, cafés) and for evenings out there are cinemas and a nationally-acclaimed playhouse in the city centre.
  • Transport costs to and from the university are reimbursed at 50%, if using public transport. A tram service to and from campus is available.

For any further enquiries, please contact  

Marie-France Blaquière-Mineur, Lecteur Supervisor : Marie-France.Blaquiere-Mineur@uphf.fr

Elise Brault-Dreux, Head of English Studies : Elise.Brault@uphf.fr

PROFIL LECTEUR/TRICE année universitaire 2024-2025

Site concerné :

Département d’anglais, Université Polytechnique des Hauts de France, pôle ISH (Institut Société Humanités), UALLA (Unité Académique Lettres, Langues), FRANCE

Conditions générales de recrutement :

La langue anglaise doit obligatoirement être la langue maternelle des candidat-e-s mais peut relever de toutes les zones du monde anglophone.

Le niveau exigé est Bac+4 :

Il faut justifier d’au moins une année d’études supérieures accomplie après l’obtention d’un titre ou diplôme d’un niveau équivalent à celui du diplôme national de LICENCE (Bac+3).

Durée du contrat

1 an, renouvelable 1 fois, du 1er septembre au 31 août.

Salaire :

2024/2025 : net 1500 €, brut 1819€

Description du poste à pourvoir :

> Heures d’enseignement

200h équivalent TD. Des heures complémentaires sont possibles.

Le/la lecteur/trice interviendra essentiellement dans les enseignements de langue orale (expression orale et séances de laboratoires) pour les étudiants des départements LLCER anglais, mais aussi LEA, le parcours Droit-Langue, ainsi que des enseignements LANSAD (Langues pour Spécialistes d’Autres Disciplines). Ces enseignements incluent les cours, les évaluations et tout le suivi administratif qui s’y rattache.

> En dehors de ces enseignements, il/elle est appelé-e à participer de façon active et collective à l’ensemble de la vie du Département (Journée Portes Ouvertes, Semaine anglophone, etc.), ainsi que de toutes les activités culturelles et pédagogiques de la faculté (UA Arts-Lettres-Langues).

Le/la candidat-e participera à la vie de l’Association du Département d’Anglais Gulliver et proposera des animations et activités aux étudiants de tous les niveaux, par exemple, English Week, English Nights, Book club, etc. …

Il/elle s’engage à recevoir dans la Salle des Lecteurs, ouverte aux étudiants de 13h-14h du lundi au vendredi les étudiants désireux de pratiquer l’anglais dans un cadre moins formel que les cours.  

Il/elle sera aussi chargé-e d’organiser, en collaboration avec les autres lecteurs-trices, et en relation avec l’Association Gulliver, un voyage en Grande Bretagne qui a lieu avant la fin de l’année universitaire.

Ce poste requiert une implication dans l’ensemble des processus pédagogiques, ainsi qu’une bonne capacité d’intégration dans une équipe professionnelle. Etre lecteur/trice signifie être motivé-e pour jouer un rôle pivot au sein de l’équipe pédagogique et manifester un réel intérêt pour le travail collaboratif et collégial.

Contacter pour tout renseignement complémentaire :

Marie-France Blaquière-Mineur, Lecteur Supervisor :


Elise Brault-Dreux
Responsable de la licence d’anglais, ISH, UPHF :






Étiquettes :