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La Société des Anglicistes de l’Enseignement Supérieur

The SAES  (Société des Anglicistes de l’Enseignement Supérieur)  provides opportunities for those researching and teaching English language, literatures in English and cultures of English-speaking peoples to exchange information, discuss issues of common professional interest and work together.

The SAES has nearly thirty affiliated societies  specialising in particular areas of English studies. In association with the AFEA (Association Française d’Études Américaines), the SAES provides research grants to doctoral students and teachers. The SAES is a member of ESSE (The European Society of the Study of English).

Angles: French Perspectives on the Anglophone World is an international online peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually by the SAES. This interdisciplinary journal has a triple aim: to encourage innovative interdisciplinary research; to make cutting-edge research freely available; to make full use of the possibilities offered by digital publication by encouraging the use of different modes of expression: text, image, video, podcasts, hyperlinks…

The SAES organises an annual conference which is held every June in a French university. Some of the workshops are held in English, others in French.  For more information, and subscription details,  see Congrès Annuel.

The 2021 Conference will be now held at the University of Tours on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of June 2021. (The Conference was initially planned for 2020, but was postponed because of the COVID 19 pandemic).

The conference theme is « Renaissances »


Our members  benefit from an internal mail system (Messagerie) that allows them to contact all other registered members by e-mail.  Members receive frequent messages concerning teaching appointments, forthcoming conferences, recent publications, as well as other information relevant to the English-speaking world. They also have access to our  on-line interactive directory, which contains the names, adresses, e-mail addreses and research specialities of all our members.  For more information on this feature, see Espace  adhérents.


As well as our  annual conference, held every June in a French university, we organise a two day event every September, for members of the SAES and members of our affiliated societies. See Journées de Septembre.

Our site offers a comprehensive list of forthcoming conferences (“colloques”) dealing with research and teaching of the English language, literatures in English and cultures of English-speaking peoples. Most of the calls for papers have an English version. See Colloques et Journées d’études    There is also a list of conferences that deal specifically with parts of the national syllabus connected to France’s national teaching examinations, the agrégation externe and agrégation interne ; see Colloques et Journées d’études sur les programmes de concours.

The SAES has a Research Commission, which convenes several times a year. In 2016, it published a White Paper on the current state of  research in English  within French universities and research institutions. The French version of the paper is available here.

For a list of English research groups in French universities,  please see this page : Equipes de recherche

Our members regularly publish books. For a list of recent publications, see this page ; Fonds SAES.

The society has over 2400 members. Full membership is open to anyone who teaches (or has taught) English  in any part of the French higher education system. Doctoral students enrolled in a French university, as well as teachers of English in foreign universities, may also apply for membership. Please see Adhésion.

The SAES has a special commission dedicated to university teaching and training.  It convenes several times a year. Recently, it has produced a comprehensive survey on the teaching of English for specific purposes. This, along with other related information, can be found here.

The board comprises ten members. They can be contacted via their email addresses, which you can find here. Alternatively, you can contact us via

University lecturer and professor positions, as well as temporary assistant positons (for doctoral students)  are published on a national site managed by the French Ministry for Education.

Lecteur and maître de langue positions (native speaker assistant positions) are advertised by each university, either on its internet site or via its English department. A few positions are mentioned on this page


Only current members are allowed access to the on-line interactive directory.

Full membership is open to anyone who teaches (or has taught) English  in any part of the French higher education system. Doctoral students enrolled in a French university, as well as teachers of English in foreign universities, may also apply for membership. Please see Adhésion.

The SAES  board comprises ten members. They can be contacted via their email addresses, which you can find here. Alternatively, you can contact us via