Veuillez trouver ci-dessous l'appel à communication pour la journée d'étude "Jeremy Corbyn et le parti travailliste"/ "Labour under Corbyn" co-organisée par le Center for Research on the English-Speaking World (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) et le Centre d'études sociologiques et politiques Raymond-Aron (EHESS) et reportée en raison de la crise sanitaire. La journée d'étude se tiendra le *vendredi 18 juin 2021* à la Maison de la Recherche de l'Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, 4 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris (salle Athéna). Nous accepterons vos propositions de communication jusqu'au 7 décembre 2020. Bien cordialement, Toufik Abdou & Denis Rayer *CALL FOR PAPERS "LABOUR UNDER CORBYN"* Jeremy Corbyn's election as Labour leader in September 2015 was one of the biggest upsets in British political history. A veteran socialist, who had spent 30 years on the back benches championing controversial causes, Jeremy Corbyn scraped on to the ballot paper at the last minute, thanks to nominations from Labour MPs who had wanted a token left-winger to "broaden the debate". His entry into the contest prompted a surge in people joining the party or paying £ 3 to become registered supporters, taking advantage of new leadership contest rules. Jeremy Corbyn's election in 2015 prompted a battle for the soul of the Labour Party between grassroots members who rallied behind Mr Corbyn and many of the party's MPs, who regarded him as an electoral liability. Despite the constant infighting, Jeremy Corbyn remoulded the Labour Party and managed to shift it to the left. This one-day conference will try and cut through the fog of uncritical adulation and unthinking hostility towards Jeremy Corbyn in order to shine a light on the origins and dynamics of the Corbyn movement and give some answers to the following questions: What was the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn? How did it work? How was it organised? What will be the legacy of Jeremy Corbyn in the history of the Labour movement? What could be the future of Corbynism? We will welcome contributions in the shape of 20-minute presentations in French or in English. We would like to reach out to include perspectives on Jeremy Corbyn from all subfields in political science as well as fields such as British history, economics, sociology or communication and media studies. These perspectives include but are not limited to the following themes: - Factions within the Labour Party -The Labour Party and the role of trade unions -Jeremy Corbyn and social media -Political communication, Jeremy Corbyn and the mainstream media -Election campaigns and political mobilisation -Jeremy Corbyn's leadership style -The Corbyn ideology/ Corbynomics/ Corbynism -Controversies -The evolution of decision-making in the Labour Party -the role of Momentum Please submit 250/300-word abstracts by 7 December 2020 to Toufik Abdou ( toufik.abdou at and Denis Rayer (denis.rayer at All proposals should include name, affiliation, email address, research discipline and a short biography. *Organising committee* Toufik Abdou, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Denis Rayer, EHESS *Scientific committee* Toufik Abdou, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Yohann Aucante, EHESS Emmanuelle Avril, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Patrick Diamond, Queen Mary University of London Denis Rayer, EHESS
JE « Jeremy Corbyn et le parti travailliste »/ »Labour under Corbyn », vendredi 18 juin 2021, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle/EHESS
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