Accueil » Colloques » 14-16 December 2018 Biannual meeting of the European Early American Studies Association London The Making and Unmaking of Identities and Connections in Early America and the Atlantic World, 1650-1850

14-16 December 2018 Biannual meeting of the European Early American Studies Association London The Making and Unmaking of Identities and Connections in Early America and the Atlantic World, 1650-1850

Biannual meeting of the European Early American Studies Association

London 14-16 December 2018


The Making and Unmaking of Identities and Connections in Early America and the Atlantic World, 1650-1850


The 7th biannual meeting of the European Early American Studies Association convenes in London 14-16 December 2018 at King’s College London and Queen Mary University of London. The conference theme for EEASA 2018 is « The making and unmaking of identities and connections in early America and the Atlantic World, 1650-1850. »

Issues of identities and connections were as pertinent to the inhabitants of early America and the Atlantic World as they remain today. Up until the mid-nineteenth century, the geopolitics of the Americas were in constant flux. European and indigenous empires emerged, competed, expanded, contracted and collapsed. New nations and unions were formed and reformed. Identities and loyalties were transitory, political and cultural borders permeable. Weak centers fostered local autonomy and a politics of negotiation interspersed with violence governed relations between neighbours and between peripheries and metropoles alike. New markets appeared, expanded, and disappeared. In this constantly changing world of risks and opportunities individuals had to charter an uncertain course in their business, family, and civic life, often responding to forces and events beyond their control.

The program committee invites scholars to reflect upon the formation, maintenance, and separation of identities and connections in and between business ventures, families, intellectual networks, churches, local communities and states operating in an environment of geopolitical fluidity. We would in particular like to see papers that link the personal to the political, the individual to the citizen, the local to the metropole, the new world to the old, and private ventures to public aspirations.


We encourage proposals from emerging and established scholars in all disciplines for traditional conference panels (three 20-minute papers with chair and Q&A), round tables, and other formats. Sessions are 90 minutes. Papers are posted on our website prior to the conference.

All paper or session proposals should be in the format of a single electronic document (Word or .pdf) that begins with the surname and first initial of the contact person, e.g., « SmithJ.pdf »

This single document should contain:

  1. Panel title & short, one paragraph description.
  2. Proposals for each paper (no more than 200 words each) if a full session.
  3. Single-page curriculum vitae for each participant.
  4. Indication of any special requests, such as audio-visual equipment.
  5. Email addresses for the designated contact person and each participant.

The deadline for submissions is April 15, 2018. Please submit your proposals by email with EEASA2018 and your surname in the subject line.


Please note that all program participants will be required to register for the conference. To facilitate participation by younger scholars we offer a reduced conference fee to graduate students and can provide free accommodation to presenters who are graduate students or who are within two years of the award of their PhD and not in full-time academic employment.


Max Edling, King’s College London & Daniel Peart, Queen Mary University of London

If you have any announcements, calls for papers, or queries about EEASA, please do email me at  
Cordialement / Best regards,
Claire Bourhis-Mariotti, Secretary




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