Post-doctoral Fellowship / Thanatic Ethics Project (Hong Kong)

Please see below the advertisement for a postdoctoral fellowship at the Education University of Hong Kong for a postcolonial studies early career scholar working on migration and diaspora. The person will have an opportunity to work closely on the Thanatic Ethics project.

*Post-doctoral Fellow (Ref: 2100718)*
*The Education University of Hong Kong*
Department of Literature and Cultural Studies The Department of Literature and Cultural Studies seeks a postdoctoral fellow to enhance the department’s ongoing research, teaching, and service projects during the academic year 2022/2023. The fellow will be responsible for contributing to the department in three areas. First, the fellow should plan to pursue research related to the department’s ongoing research in literary and cultural studies, including for example postcolonial studies, diaspora, migration, refugee mobilities, or related areas. The appointee will be required to present their research during the departmental seminar series and produce at least one article-length research output or comparable project, and support the department’s teaching development, knowledge transfer, and community service projects (as appropriate). Second, the fellow will work alongside LCS members of the Centre for Popular Culture in the Humanities on the ongoing “Thanatic Ethics” project. Finally, the appointee will teach one course in the department in an appropriate area of expertise.

Alongside required application documents, candidates should submit 1) a detailed cover letter describing previous experiences in research, teaching, knowledge transfer, and community service; 2) a two-page precis of the research project they would like to undertake during their fellowship; 3) evidence of successful previous teaching experience.

This is a fixed-term postdoctoral fellowship, aimed at an early career scholar within the fields of literary, historical, or cultural studies. The appointment will be for a period of 12 months, beginning on July 4, 2022 and ending on July 3, 2023.

Applicants must have a Doctoral Degree in a related discipline in hand by the start date. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.




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