9–14 August 2020 in Groningen, NL. *AILA 2020 World Symposium: * *‘Learning through leisure: Informal second language learning in the 21st century’*


The last 10 years have seen the birth of a new field within applied linguistics, embracing all sorts of language acquisition outside the classroom. With the rapid development and spread of new technologies, informal language contact has become commonplace for many L2 learners. While this can take many different forms, online contexts are a major driving force because they present L2 learners with unprecedented opportunities for exposure to and use of target language(s) regardless of their physical location.

Research on this topic has emerged concurrently from diverse contexts. As a result, a variety of terms have been used to describe it (including Extramural English, Informal Digital Learning of English or Online Informal Learning of English), each of which emphasises particular aspects of the informal practices studied. Early research tended to focus on English as a target language, but more recently research on other languages is becoming more prominent.

The purpose of this symposium is to bring together researchers working on informal L2 practices to engage in critical dialogue about the scope of this field and to share their diverse theoretical perspectives, methodological approaches and findings.

*Featured speakers:*
Mark Dressman, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, AE
Geoffrey Sockett, University of Paris Descartes, FR

Denyze Toffoli, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, FR (denyze.toffoli@iut-tlse3.fr <mailto:denyze.toffoli@iut-tlse3.fr>)
Marlene Schwarz, University of Vienna, AT (marlene.schwarz@univie.ac.at <mailto:marlene.schwarz@univie.ac.at>)
Henriette L. Arndt, University of Oxford, UK (henriette.arndt@education.ox.ac.uk <mailto:henriette.arndt@education.ox.ac.uk>)
Meryl Kusyk, University of Education Karlsruhe, DE (meryl.kusyk@ph-karlsruhe.de <mailto:meryl.kusyk@ph-karlsruhe.de>)

*How to submit:*
Submission is open until 16th September <http://airmail.calendar/2019-07-24%2012:00:00%20BST> 2019 via https://www.aila2020.nl/call-for-papers
Search for symposium number: /S091/.
You will be required to submit the following information:

• Name(s) of author(s) and affiliations
• Title: max. 20 words
• Abstract: max. 300 words
• Summary to be included in the program: max. 50 words
• Type of multimodal presentation: standard (12-20 minute oral presentation) or focused (short pitch & poster)

We look forward to receiving your submissions! Please feel free to share this call for papers widely.




Étiquettes :