Accueil » Colloques » 7-9 November 2019 Labour, gender and class in the struggle for Irish Independence 1918-24 NUI Galway

7-9 November 2019 Labour, gender and class in the struggle for Irish Independence 1918-24 NUI Galway

Proposals are invited for a major 3-day conference organised by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and the Irish Centre for the Histories of Labour and Class (NUI Galway), under the auspices of the Irish Government’s Decades of Centenaries programme. The organisers welcome proposals for individual 15-20 minute papers or for three-person panels. We also encourage proposals for other formats, such as lightning panels, group presentations, posters, etc.

10 bursaries of up to €150 each are offered to assist contributors with conference expenses.

Proposals are invited on the following themes, but proposals on any topic relating to labour and the struggle for Irish independence, c. 1917-24, will be welcome.

  • Class, Gender and Violence
  • Key episodes from conscription strike to Belfast engineering strike to return of Larkin
  • Diasporic labour and the Irish Struggle
  • Belfast pogrom and Belfast boycott
  • Rural labour and agriculture
  • Trade union relationships with Republicanism, Unionism, Constitutional Nationalism, British Labour
  • Localised labour struggles, 1917-24
  • Women, labour and the struggle for independence
  • Labour and Dáil Éireann
  • Labour ideologies
  • Class and welfare under the emerging order
  • Labour, nationality, and religion
  • Impact of international developments, such as the Russian revolution

Proposals should be submitted to by 29th August 2019




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