Accueil » Colloque et JE programme » 7-8 February 2020 « Captain Cook after 250 years: Re-exploring The Voyages of James Cook » An International Conference on Captain James Cook’s voyages (1768-1779 Sorbonne Université

7-8 February 2020 « Captain Cook after 250 years: Re-exploring The Voyages of James Cook » An International Conference on Captain James Cook’s voyages (1768-1779 Sorbonne Université


Amphithéâtre Georges

Molinié, Maison de la Recherche, 28 rue Serpente, 75006 Paris (M°



Organised by HDEA and VALE, under the aegis of the

SELVA and the Hakluyt Society, with the support of LARCA, CTEL, and

the IUF



Friday 7 February 2020:


8.45-9.00: Welcome addresses

9.00-10.35: Session 1: “Visions of Paradise”

Chair: Pierre Lurbe (Sorbonne Université)

9.00-9.25: Anja Winters (University of Vienna), “Paradise Lost – An

essay on Terra Australis Incognita and Captain James Cook”

9.25-9.50: Vanessa Alayrac-Fielding (Université de Lille), “From

William Hodges’s View of Matavai Bay (1776) to Simon Gende’s Captn

Cook in Australia (2018): the aesthetic of Pacific exploration and

encounter in the 18th century and beyond”

9.50-10.15: Ben Pollitt (University College London), “Weaponized

Aesthetics – Fireworks and the Burkean Sublime in Cook’s Last Voyage”

10.15-10.35: Discussion


10.35.-11.00: coffee break


11.00-12.35: Session 2: “Explorers and Conquerors”

Chair: Jim Bennett (Hakluyt Society)

11.00-11.25: Anna Agnarsdóttir (University of Iceland), “James Cook

and Joseph Banks: From exploration to imperialism”

11.25-11.50: Pierre-François Peirano (Université de Toulon), “James

Cook and the search for the ‘Northwest Passage’: the stakes and the

scope of the third voyage”

11.50-12.15: Dane A. Morrison (Salem State University), “Performing

Cook: American Explorers’ Appropriation of James Cook’s Voyages”

12.15-12.35: Discussion


12.35-2.00: lunch break


2.00-3.35: Session 3: “Transmissions and Translations”

Chair: Anne-Florence Quaireau (Sorbonne Université)

2.00-2.25: Odile Gannier (Université Côte d’Azur), “Cook’s Journals as


2.25-2.50: Erik Stout (University of Montreal), “The voyages of Cook

and Bougainville, through the eyes of their fellow travelers”

2.50-3.15: Antoine Eche (Mount Royal University, Calgary),

“Démeunier’s Translation of A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean”

3.15-3.35: Discussion


3.35-4.00: coffee break


4.00-5.00: 1st plenary

Chair: Emmanuelle Peraldo (Université Côte d’Azur)

4.00-4.45: Jean-Stéphane Massiani (Aix-Marseille Université), “What

Cook saw and What Hawkesworth wrote. Alterations and Authorship in the

publication of Cook’s Endeavour journal”

4.45-5.00: Question time


Saturday 8 February 2020:


9-10.35: Session 4: “James Cook Revisited”

Chair: Will Slauter (Université de Paris)

9.00-9.25: Sandhya Patel (Université Clermont Auvergne), “The

Afterlives of James Cook”

9.25-9.50: Ben Ferguson (Université de Versailles Saint Quentin),

“Kaleidoscopic Cook: shifting legacies explored in Barry Lopez’


9.50-10.15: John Mullen (Université de Rouen), “Content Concerning

Indigenous Peoples in Authorized Heritage Discourses about Captain

Cook’s Voyages”

10.15-10.35: Discussion


10.35-11.00: coffee break


11.00-12.00: 2nd plenary

Chair: Ladan Niayesh (Université de Paris)

11.00-11.45: John McAleer (University of Southampton), “Exhibiting

exploration: James Cook, voyages of exploration, and the culture of


11.45-12.00: question time


12.00-12.30: Concluding remarks and wrap-up





Étiquettes :