Accueil » Non classé » 6-7 January 2017 Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon New Perspectives on As You Like It

6-7 January 2017 Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon New Perspectives on As You Like It

New Perspectives on As You Like It
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
6-7 January 2017
Keynote Speaker: Michael Hattaway
Avec le concours de l’IHRIM (UMR 5317 du CNRS), du laboratoire LCE (EA 1853 – Lyon 2), du département de langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères de l’ENS de Lyon, du département d’études anglophones de l’Université Clermont Auvergne, et du département d’études anglophones de l’Université Lumière Lyon 2.
6-7 January 2017
ENS Lyon (site Descartes, Amphithéâtre Descartes)
Sophie Chiari (IHRIM-Clermont-Ferrand, Université Clermont Auvergne), Sophie Lemercier-Goddard (IHRIM-ENS Lyon), Michèle Vignaux (LCE, Université Lumière-Lyon 2)
8.30 Welcome Address and Opening of the Conference
Chair: Michèle Vignaux (Université Lyon 2)
9. Sélima Lejri (University of Tunis): ““Tradition Takes Not Away My Blood”: Primoge/nature in Shakespeare’s As You Like It
9.30 Kathleen French (University of Sidney): “Augustinian Pessimism and Aristotelian Optimism in As You Like It
10.00 Roy Eriksen (Agder University, Norway): “Discord in the Spheres”: Revising Marlowe in As You Like It
10.30 Coffee Break
Chair: Ladan Niayesh (Université Paris Diderot)
10.45 Will West (Northwestern University): “Essays on Virtue: As You Like It as Shakespeare’s Essays”
11.15 Sophie Lemercier-Goddard (ENS Lyon): “‘[B]etter strangers’: the Politics of Translation in As You Like It
11.45 Shawna Guenther (Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada): “Who Am I, How am I, and What Am I? Unresolved Gender and Sexual Identification in William Shakespeare’s As You Like It
12.30: Lunch
Chair: Christine Kiehl (Université Lyon 2)
14.00 Aurélie Imbert (Aix-Marseille Université): “Love Me For Ever and a Day”
14.30 Anne-Marie Miller-Blaise (Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle): “No temple but the wood[en]’: Stagecraft and the Staging of Materiality in Shakespeare’s As You Like It
15.00 Chantal Schütz (Ecole Polytechnique): “How They Liked it? The Challenges of Recreating the Elizabethan Staging Conditions of As You Like It
15.30 Coffee Break
Chair: Sophie Chiari (Université Clermont Auvergne)
16.00 Samuel Cuisinier-Delorme (Université Clermont-Auvergne): “‘Here’s eight that must take hands’: Dance in As You Like It
16.30 Anne-Valérie Dulac (Université Paris 13): “Butchers and Wrestlers in As You Like It
17.00 Keynote speech: Michael Hattaway (New York University in London): “The Truest Scholarship is the Most Faining:  The Genesis and Afterlife of an Edition”
18.15 End of the first day
Chair: Sophie Lemercier-Goddard (ENS-Lyon)
9.30 Jean-Louis Claret (Aix-Marseille Université): “‘These trees shall be my book’: Reading Trees in As You Like It
10.00 Ladan Niayesh (Université Paris-Diderot): “Of Elders and Other Trees in As You Like It
10.30 Coffee Break
Chair: William West (Northwestern University)
10.45 Sophie Chiari (Université Clermont Auvergne): “‘Winter and rough weather’ (2.5.8): Arden’s Climate in As You Like It
11.15 Keynote speech: Richard Wilson (Kingston University): “At One Together: As You Like It and the Politics of The United Kingdom”
12.15 Lunch
14.00 Échanges avec Gisèle Venet / Discussion with Gisèle Venet (Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle)
15.00 Concert (Théâtre Kantor, ENS de Lyon, site Descartes) – Entrée libre : “Shakespeare As You Like It” (The Sorbonne Scholars. Direction: Pierre Iselin, Université Paris-Sorbonne)
17.00 End of the Conference
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