Accueil » Colloques » July 4th to July 6th 2017 The 5th edition of the international Biennial Conference on the Diachrony of English (CBDA-5) Tours, hosted by the Université François Rabelais

July 4th to July 6th 2017 The 5th edition of the international Biennial Conference on the Diachrony of English (CBDA-5) Tours, hosted by the Université François Rabelais


The 5th edition of the international Biennial Conference on the Diachrony of English (CBDA-5) will take place in Tours from July 4th to July 6th 2017, hosted by the Université François Rabelais and organised in collaboration with the Université de Picardie Jules Verne(Amiens) and the Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne (Reims). The objective of the conference is to provide linguists working on the history of English, in France and abroad, with an opportunity to present their work and a forum within which to discuss current issues in English diachronic linguistics. Further information will shortly be made available on the meeting website:

This edition of the Conference will be dedicated to the memory of Professor Xavier Dekeyser of the University of Leuven, an active supporter of CBDA since its inception in 2008, and who sadly passed away on May 23rd, 2016.

Session Papers
We invite contributors to submit session papers on all topics concerned with change and variation in the history of English (syntax, semantics, phonetics, phonology, morphology, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, language contact, lexicology, etc.), on all periods in the history of English, and even on other languages directly relevant to the study of English diachrony. Full papers will be allotted 30 minutes, including 10 minutes for discussion. If you would like to present a paper, please send an abstract (approximately 300 – 400 words), in DOC or PDF format, to both Fabienne Toupin ([1]) and Brian Lowrey ([1]). Abstracts should reach us no later than February 28th, 2017. All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by two referees. We would therefore ask you to leave your abstract anonymous, but to cite your name and affiliation as well as the title of your paper in the e-mail.

We also welcome workshop proposals. If you would like to organise a workshop on a specific theme, please send details of your proposal (topic, provisional list of speakers, etc.) to both Fabienne Toupin ([1]) and Brian Lowrey ([1]) by January 31, 2017 at the latest. Workshops, ideally, should contain at least 4 or 5 slots, and need to be compatible with the main conference schedule. The general format (30 minute presentations, allowing 10 minutes for discussion) should therefore be adopted.

Plenary speaker
Our invited speaker at this year’s conference will be Marion Elenbass, of the University of Leiden.

Conference Fee
The conference fee is 40 euros (20 euros for students), and includes participation in all sessions of the conference, the conference package, and light refreshments. All participants, however, are expected to pay their own travel and accommodation expenses.

For further information, please go to the conference website at:

We look forward to seeing you in Tours in 2017!





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