Accueil » Colloque et JE programme » 2018 janv 8 9 10 Programme de la visite de Manisha Sinha à Paris

2018 janv 8 9 10 Programme de la visite de Manisha Sinha à Paris

Programme de la visite de Manisha Sinha à Paris

Manisha Sinha is the Draper Chair in American History at the University of Connecticut. Her book The Slave’s Cause (2016) received the Best Book Prize of the Society of the Early American Republic and was the winner of the Avery O. Craven Award for Best Book in the Civil War Era (OAH), both in 2017. Among other publications, she is also the author of the acclaimed The Counterrevolution of Slavery : Politics and Ideology in Antebellum South Carolina (2000). She will be in Paris January 8-13 and here are the dates when she will give talks at various Paris universities (Paris Diderot, Paris 13 and Nanterre). All talks (but one) are open to the public.

January 8, 2017 (Monday) 12-14h.
Séminaire « Esclavages et sociétés esclavagistes Amériques, Afrique, Europe XV-XIX siècles : Ecritures et savoirs », salle 118, université Paris Diderot, bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, 8 place Paul Ricoeur.
« Slave Resistance and the Making of American Abolition »

January 9, 2017 (Tuesday) 17h-19h
Séminaire commun des groupes « Politiques américaines » et « Culture/cultures », salle à définir, université Paris Nanterre, bâtiment V, 200 avenue de la République 92000 Nanterre.
« The Abolitionist International : Abolition and Contemporary Radical Social Movements » »

January 10, 2017 (Wednesday) 13h30-15h30
Séminaire EHDLM Paris 13-Paris Diderot-Paris 3 :
“Rewriting the History of Abolitionism”

January 12, 2017 (Friday) 9h-17h
Journée « Antiesclavagisme » université Paris Diderot (salle à définir)
Manisha Sinha (University of Connecticut, Draper Chair in American History), plenary talk :
« A Radical New History of Abolition »




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