Accueil » Colloques » 20 June 2020, University of Aberdeen East of Scotland Annual Cross-Sector Conference New Perspectives on Language Teaching and Learning

20 June 2020, University of Aberdeen East of Scotland Annual Cross-Sector Conference New Perspectives on Language Teaching and Learning



Call for Papers


Learning and Teaching Languages in Changing Environments


The School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture at the University of Aberdeen, the Applied Languages section of the School of Humanities at the University of Dundee, and the School of Modern Languages of the University of St Andrews are hosting their Annual Cross-Sector Conference on New Perspectives on Language Teaching and Learning, on Saturday 20 June 2020 at the University of Aberdeen, MacRobert Building.


The theme of this year’s conference is Learning and Teaching Languages in Changing Environments. More than ever, it seems, the teaching and learning of Modern Languages are taking place in a rapidly shifting context, and facing a range of different challenges simultaneously, from political, technological and policy changes, to the expectations of students, funders and employers. The conference seeks to explore some of the innovative ways in which the sector is responding to these challenges.


We welcome proposals for workshops, presentations and panels on approaches to teaching Modern Languages at school and university level. Suggested topics include but are not limited to:


  • Responding to changing learning needs and student expectations
  • Innovative methods of teaching and assessment
  • New approaches to feedback
  • Updating curricula to reflect changing times
  • Adapting to changing student profiles
  • Strategies for supporting mental health and welfare
  • Sustaining motivation and commitment in language learners
  • Developments in technology-enhanced learning
  • Enhancing skills and supporting employability
  • Strategies for student recruitment today
  • Supporting sustainability and maximising limited resources
  • Student exchanges and study abroad after Brexit


The deadline for submission of proposals is midnight on Friday 17 April 2020. Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent to, and should include your name, role and organisational affiliation. We will aim to notify successful participants by Monday 4 May 2020.


The Organising Committee





Étiquettes :