Accueil » Colloques » 15-18 July 2020, Aix-en-Provence, France Special Interest Group : Prosodic and phonetic features of speaking styles at the PALA conference 2020 (Poetics and Linguistics Association),

15-18 July 2020, Aix-en-Provence, France Special Interest Group : Prosodic and phonetic features of speaking styles at the PALA conference 2020 (Poetics and Linguistics Association),


Coordinator of the SIG: Sophie Herment, Aix Marseille Univ, Laboratoire Parole et Langage

Call for Papers 

The PALA 2020 conference ( invites special interest groups (SIGs) this year, among which a session on prosodic and phonetic features of speaking styles (SIG 8). This special interest group will gather specialists in the oral language. The different styles of the written language clearly have several lexical and syntactic particularities. The styles of the spoken language are yet to be defined. We would like to investigate phonetic and prosodic phenomena from a stylistic point of view. Segmental aspects can be relevant in the characterisation of style. Phonetic variation will therefore be considered. Rhythm is also a crucial element: tempo, the degree of assimilation, elision and reduction. Intonation is another significant feature: are certain intonation patterns associated with certain speaking styles?

The special session will allow us to question the definition that can be given to phonostyle(s).

Papers from a wide range of theoretical perspectives addressing the above issues will be welcome. We invite studies based on ecological corpora as well as experimental studies.

Submission guidelines

Please upload your abstracts (no more than 300 words, references included, no more than 5 references) on the web site of the conference before February 15 2020. Here is how to proceed:

  • Go to
  • Go to login, in the drop-down menu, select ‘create an account’ and create a login and password.
  • You’ll receive an activation email that will direct you to an authentication page. Enter your newly created username and password
  • On the website, click on MY SPACE and then on MY SUBMISSION (in the menu)
  • Fill in the title and abstract, select ‘ABSTRACT’, and add keywords.
  • Make sure you indicate clearly that you wish your paper to be considered for a Special Interest Group (SIGs).

All abstracts for SIGs need to be sent via the website and copied to the SIG organizer (please send a doc file or a doc and pdf file if you have special fonts):




Étiquettes :